Avocados are shockingly easy to grow at home.

6 min readJan 6, 2016

Avocado Trees are tropical plants grown in lands far far away like Mexico and Central America, where the climates are hot. However, you don’t have to get your irresistible fruit from exotic lands because avocado trees are perfect for growing in containers. Grow your own avocados indoors, right in your favorite room.

How To Care For An Avocado Tree

Growing avocado trees is for experts and beginners because they’re easy to grow and once the fruit is harvested tremendous gardening bragging rights will be earned.

If gardening hasn’t always been your favorite hobby or if you have a history of houseplants not doing so well while in your care follow these growing instructions below for the best results.

If your area gets colder then 40 degrees place your avocado tree in a container and bring it inside during the cooler months.

Make sure that your container is slightly larger than the root mass on your tree and place about two inches of gravel at the bottom of the container. The rocks will allow water to drain from the pot more easily.

Add citrus potting mix to the soil when planting your tree in its new container. The potting mix will give your tree a beneficial boost of nutrients.

Place your tree by a large sunny window. Usually windows areas facing towards the south receive the most light. Avocado trees need at least six hours of sunlight a day in order to thrive.

Allow your avocado tree to dry out in between watering periods. The soil should be dry to the touch two to three inches below the surface. Once the soil feels dry give your tree water until you notice it running out the bottom of the pot. Make sure the soil is moist and not over saturated.

Consider placing a tray under your tree’s container to catch draining water.

Avocado trees benefit from fertilizer up to four times a year. Use an all-natural, organic fertilizer that specifically says it’s for a citrus plant.

By taking a spray bottle and misting your tree’s leaves once or twice a day you will increase its humidity, which will make it happy and remind it of tropical areas that its ancestors grew in.

When to harvest

Avocados are ready to be harvested when their skin changes from a shade of light green to dark green. They should feel firm and pull away from their stems easily. Avocados won’t ripen on the tree, and can actually be left on until you’re ready to pick them. Once you’ve harvested your avocados let them sit out on the counter for about a week or so. Their skin will turn a dark shade of purple to black and they will feel slightly soft to the touch when they are ready to be eaten.

Signs to watch out for

Avocado leaves can be excellent indicators as to how your tree feels. If the leaves start to turn upwards and curl, while turning a shade of light brown then your tree isn’t getting enough water. However, don’t correct under watering with over watering.

If the leaves droop like they’re too heavy for the tree and they turn a dark shade of brown or black then your tree is being over watered.

Don’t be alarmed if your avocado tree drops almost all of its leaves. Avocado trees are sensitive, and will shed their leaves to protect themselves at the first sign of trouble, which can even be triggered by a cold draft of air from an opening door or vent. Also, sometimes avocado trees will shed their leaves to save energy before they have a blooming cycle.

Your tree will love being placed outside during warm days to bask in the sun, but watch out, sometimes while bringing your tree back inside hitchhikers will jump on for a free ride indoors. Spider mites, and aphids are the two main culprits.

Spider mites have the tendency to make small webs in the leaves and branches. Remove them with a duster and spray the leaves with a soap and water solution. Use a gentle soap, like dawn. Then wipe the branches and leaves down with a damp cloth.

You’ll spot aphids on the leaves pretty easily because they’re a bright green color. It’s best to remove aphids by applying an all-natural, organic pesticide to the tree that will remove the pests without harming the tree. Aphids can also be removed by hand by wiping the leaves clean with a damp cloth.

Holy Guacamole! Avocados Are Good For Us!

We don’t need another reason to enjoy eating avocados. Once our eyes linger on their dark bumpy skin and they’re sliced open revealing their creamy, bright yellow green flesh that’s wrapped around their large iconic seed, we are hooked.

If we don’t immediately spread the avocado across crackers for a snack or add it to our favorite recipes like guacamole se we can enjoy it’s rich, fresh buttery taste we get seriously hangry.

With the avocado being incredible delicious we didn’t need more reasons to eat them, but it turns out that they’re super healthy.

Avocados are low in bad fat, while they are high in good fats like monounsaturated fat and omega 3s that helps to lower bad cholesterol levels for a stronger and healthier heart.

While avocados are full of nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K and more, they also help your body absorb nutrients.

The fiber in avocados helps people to stay full for longer periods of time. It’s the perfect snack food for people who are interested in snacking less. The fiber also adds bulk to the colon to prevent diarrhea. The smooth texture also lines the intestines to help your body pass stools, relieving constipation.

Don’t you want to see the pretty avocado that you’re eating? Well you can, possibly better than before, because avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin which help to protect the tissues in the eye like antioxidants.

Grow Your Own Tropical Avocado Tree

Instead of waiting for expensive avocados to hit the grocery store shelves grow your own at home. You’ll get the bragging rights for growing your own exotic fruit that’s exceedingly high in nutrients. Plus avocado trees are beautiful trees that add a tropical flare to any room.

As a gardener and plant enthusiast I’ve loved growing trees and shrubs my entire life. Unknown to most, there are always new faster fruiting and double blooming plant hybrids emerging on the scene. I often feel the need to share my plant knowledge and new trends with the growing gardening community through my blog!

Originally published at www.fast-growing-trees.com on January 6, 2016.

