Want agility? Try some “Hajimete no otsukai “

Srikanth Ramanujam
Small Moves. Big Payoff’s
1 min readNov 28, 2020
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

The world and the concept of work is complex and is changing fast. The pandemic in 2020 has shown how much things can change beyond one’s control. Not that we had much control in the first place — but indeed we could get away with that illusion of control and predictability, so far.

Over the last 20 years of the “Agile” manifesto movement from the software development practitioners, there is a lot more hot air than real change out there. If you are wondering why there is no matching utility to all these changes in your organization, you are not alone and you might have a single Japanese term that explains it all — “Hajimete no otsukai”

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