Something has changed in the Matrix

Ameya Nagarajan
Fat. So?
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2021

Last night, I went to an event with Pallavi. It has been over a year since I went anywhere nice, so I thought to myself, go on then, get dressed up. I pulled out my long black dress, which I haven’t worn since November of 2019, and actually put on full makeup, and pulled out nice earrings and decent shoes. The whole nine yards.

As Pallavi and I were waiting for the cab we took photos — so. many. photos. And then we picked up our friends and went off. When we got there, we looked at art and schmoozed and had a drink. Then we ended up getting dinner somewhere RLLY loud and finally getting a cab and heading home.

Now, you might wonder why I feel the need to tell you all about this. Well, dear reader, it’s because, a year ago, this story would have gone something like this.

Pallavi and I went to an event last night. It’s been ages since I dressed up properly, so I thought about wearing one of my dressy outfits and getting all dolled up, but like, what’s the point? I might look nice at home, but when I get there I know all the other thin women will look better, and I’ll just look like a fool who thinks she can dress up and be in the same league as them. And I’ll have gotten all dressed up for nothing.

And then, one of two things would have happened. I’d have gone in very casual clothes, and stood in a corner, or I’d have gotten dressed up, and stood in a corner feeling fat, frumpy, unattractive and foolish.

Instead, I had great fun getting dressed; we took a hundred photos; I chatted with all the people I knew and some I met.

And this, ladies and gents, is why we need to #endfatphobia.



Ameya Nagarajan
Fat. So?

Fat activist, cat lady, cook, amateur anthropologist, podcaster, collector of people