6-Week Body Transformation Challenges, 75Hard, & Survivor Bias

Duke Matthews
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2022


You are being marketed to. Everywhere you go, everything you watch and everything you read probably has some component of marketing involved. It’s not always nefarious. For instance, I’m marketing to you with this article. I don’t have anything to sell you yet, but I do want you to read the entirety, like it and follow me so that you will read future articles of mine. Then if I do have something to sell you in the future, you are more likely to buy it.

If you have any interest in fitness and nutrition you have undoubtedly seen countless advertisements for 6 or 8 week body transformation challenges. Perhaps a friend of yours got you to sign up for one to be their accountability partner. You see the before and after pictures of the previous winners and you think, maybe this is just the motivation you needed to kickstart your Summer body. You decide to sign up. You download the app (there is always an app), pay the subscription, take your before pictures and join the private Facebook group. You enter week 3 of the contest and you were feeling good. You go to take the progress pictures for that week or weigh in and there is no change or worse, you gained a little back from what you lost the first two weeks. You lose motivation and “accidently” forget the next weigh-in/progress picture check-in. All is lost and you gain back all the weight…



Duke Matthews

Helping people achieve physical & financial fitness