When did Fr. Aloysius die?

The significance of the date of April 6th, 1981.

Fr. Kevin Manion
Father Aloysius


The date of Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF death on April 6th, 1981 is significant. According to Church Fathers, dating as far back as the Second Century, this date of April 6 is the date that Jesus died. Taking into account the addition of 11 days to the Julian Calendar in the year 1562 by Gregory XIII, and with the adoption of this same Gregorian Calendar, April 6th is actually March 25th, the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. According to the fathers this is also the date of the Annunciation, or the Incarnation, when they relate that Jesus, the Son of God and son of Mary, was conceived. In the Greek Orthodox Tradition when March 25th falls on a Friday, both the Annunciation and the Death of Jesus on Good Friday are commemorated.

According to Sacred Tradition, April 6th was the date of Our Lord’s cruxification and death. It was originally celebrated on March 25th. That was, until the reform introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the calendar was named, by papal bull Inter gravissimas dated 24 February 1582. With the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar, 11 days were added to the Julian Calendar. Hence our present April 6 is really March 25 under the former calendar.

If these ancient calculations are correct, the date of Father Aloysius death has an even greater significance. This is the date of both the Conception of Jesus and and the day he was crucified and died on the cross. Other ancient sources state that the date that Jesus died coincided with the creation of the first man, Adam, in the beginning. It was fitting that the death of Jesus on the Cross would mark the end of the reign of sin. This is how the anniversary of Fr. Aloysius’ death is remarkable. Creation of Adam, Incarnation, Death on the Cross, all on March 25th.



Fr. Kevin Manion
Father Aloysius

Catholic priest working on the archives of Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF, and a cause of sainthood for this Claretian Missionary priest and miracle worker.