‘Father Brown’: S08.E05. “The Folly of Jephthah”

A face from Father Brown’s past returns to Kembleford

Shain E. Thomas
Father Brown
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2020


Midway through the eighth series and we find this Darcia Martin directed episode surprisingly different to previous instalments.

The Folly of Jephthah begins with a scene set at oxford’s Aldate Hotel. A woman is seated at the bay alone when a gentleman approaches her. People familiar with this BBC production will have immediately recognised him. It’s Hercule Flambeau (John Light). We were first introduced to the character in the 2013 episode The Blue Cross. During each series, he has made an appearance.

Screen Capture: Mark Williams and John Light as Father Brown and Hercule Flambeau, respectively, in “Father Brown”

Hercule offers to pay for her drink, but because she is married, she feels it would be inappropriate. She is angry with her husband because he has forgotten their anniversary. Hercule refers to her husband’s memory lapse as being “an unforgivable oversight.”

After introductions are made, with Hercule giving a false name, the scene transitions from the bar to the lady’s residence. The lady is Pippa Thubron (Hannah Morrish). With a bottle of Champaign in hand, we see the gentleman pop the cork and pour two drinks. As he pours the drinks, he slips a white powder into Pippa’s drink. This story isn’t heading in the direction you think.



Shain E. Thomas
Father Brown

With an M.Sc. from the University of North Texas, I’m a freelance journalist and a social historian. #APStylebook #BBCStyleGuide