Finding Free Time With a Busy Family Schedule, Full Time Work, and Responsibilities

Golden Branch
Fathers Life
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2023
Photo by Bruno Figueiredo on Unsplash

In the rush of today’s fast-paced world, finding free time can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Balancing the demands of a full-time job, family responsibilities, and personal interests can often seem an impossible task. However, while challenging, it is not insurmountable. Below, we explore some strategies to carve out and optimize your free time, offering tips and practical examples that will help you reclaim your leisure hours.

Embrace Efficient Time Management

Efficient time management is not just about checking off items on a to-do list but doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done. When you manage your time effectively, you can find gaps in your schedule that could be used as free time. Here are ways to do this:

1. Prioritize Your Tasks:

Not all tasks are created equal. Some tasks are crucial and time-sensitive (urgent and important), others are crucial but not time-sensitive (important but not urgent), some are time-sensitive but not crucial (urgent but not important), and finally, some tasks are neither crucial nor time-sensitive (not important and not urgent). This concept, known as the Eisenhower Box, can help you prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

For example, if you need to prepare your child’s lunch box for school tomorrow, that’s both urgent and important. An urgent but not important task could be responding to a non-work-related email that requires an immediate response. Reading a book might be important for your personal development, but it’s not urgent. Scrolling through social media, unless it’s part of your job, is typically neither urgent nor important.

By categorizing your tasks, you can focus on what truly matters, thus creating free time in your schedule.

2. Optimize your routines:

Every day, we follow certain routines, and sometimes we don’t realize how much time we spend on them. Analyzing and optimizing these routines can save significant time.

For instance, suppose you spend an hour each morning preparing breakfast. In that case, you could reduce this time by meal prepping over the weekend or preparing ingredients the night before. This way, you can just assemble and cook the breakfast in the morning, cutting down the time significantly. If you’re spending too much time commuting to work, consider carpooling or public transport to use that time more productively, like catching up on industry news or learning a new skill.

Leverage Technology

Technology has advanced rapidly over the past decade, and you can use it to manage your time more efficiently and automate tasks.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

3. Utilize productivity apps:

There are hundreds of productivity apps available that can help you manage your schedules and tasks. Google Calendar, for example, can synchronize your family activities, so everyone is aware of each other’s schedules. Trello is a great tool for managing tasks, where you can create boards for different projects and move tasks around as they progress. Todoist is another powerful task management tool where you can categorize tasks, set due dates, and even delegate tasks to others.

By organizing your tasks and schedules, you can visualize your workload and plan your time more efficiently.

4. Automate chores:

From robot vacuum cleaners to automatic pet feeders, smart home technology can help automate many of your daily chores. Imagine setting a schedule for your vacuum cleaner to clean the house while you’re at work. You can also control your home’s lighting, temperature, and even door locks remotely, saving time and giving you peace of mind.

Automation doesn’t stop at home. You can use tools like Zapier or IFTTT to automate tasks like backing up your photos to the cloud, sending reminders to your email, and much more.

Delegate and Share Responsibilities

Delegation is not a sign of weakness or laziness; it’s an effective strategy to manage your workload and free up your time.

5. Assign tasks:

Every member of the family can contribute to household chores. Delegating tasks based on age and ability can distribute the workload and teach your children valuable life skills. Even toddlers can help by picking up their toys, and older kids can help with tasks like setting the dinner table or loading the dishwasher.

6. Shared responsibilities:

If you have a partner, it’s important to communicate and share responsibilities. Each person’s strengths, preferences, and schedules should be considered. For example, if one person is a morning person and the other is a night owl, they could handle the morning and evening routines, respectively. Sharing responsibilities not only helps manage tasks but also strengthens the bond between partners as they work as a team.

Reclaim Your Leisure Time

Ultimately, the goal of finding free time in a busy schedule is to do things that you enjoy and relax.

7. Quality over quantity:

Don’t stress about finding large blocks of free time. Instead, focus on the quality of the time you have. Even if you have just 15 minutes, use it to do something you love, whether it’s reading, meditating, or just sipping a cup of tea in silence. These little breaks can recharge your batteries and increase your overall productivity.

8. Combine activities:

If you struggle to find time for exercise, household chores, and spending time with your kids, why not combine these activities? You could dance with your kids, which is both fun and a good workout. Or, listen to an audiobook or podcast while doing household chores. Combining activities allows you to do more in the same amount of time, helping you make the most of your free time.



Golden Branch
Fathers Life

A loving father, husband and philanthropist at heart.