The daily Struggle — a short story

Golden Branch
Fathers Life
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2023
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I wake up early, the alarm clock blaring its shrill cry, piercing through the thin veil of sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and stumble towards the kitchen. The smell of coffee fills the air, a familiar scent that helps awaken my senses and prepare me for another day of balancing family life and work.

As I enter the kitchen, my wife, Anna, is already there, her tired eyes mirroring my own. We exchange a brief, knowing smile that carries the weight of the day ahead. Our four children, Emily, Jacob, Liam, and Sophie, greet me with a mix of excitement and innocence, their faces bright with anticipation.

The morning routine unfolds with military precision. Breakfast must be prepared, lunches packed, and backpacks checked for the day’s essentials. But for Jacob and Sophie, our two children with autism, routines are not just a preference but a necessity. Their world thrives on predictability and structure, demanding a level of patience and understanding beyond the ordinary.

As the kids gather around the table, their chatter blending with the clatter of cutlery and the rustle of cereal boxes, my mind wanders between the challenges awaiting me at work and the unique needs of our children. I steal glances at Jacob and Sophie, their quirks and idiosyncrasies intertwining with the love I hold for them, reminding me of the delicate balance I must maintain.

Leaving the comforting chaos of home behind, I step into the outside world, my mind already shifting gears to the demands of my career. The office is a whirlwind of activity, deadlines looming, and meetings consuming my time. But as the hours tick by, my thoughts inevitably wander back to my children.

Being a father to four children and some with special needs, means constantly juggling between appointments with therapists, special education meetings, and researching the latest techniques and interventions to support their unique needs. It’s an ongoing struggle to advocate for them, to ensure they receive the education and resources they deserve while also fulfilling my professional responsibilities.

The guilt often gnaws at me. I wish I could be there for every therapy session, every milestone achieved, and every moment of triumph over adversity. But reality sets in, and I realize that I must also provide for my family, ensuring they have a stable and secure future. The weight of this responsibility bears heavily on my shoulders.

There are times when I feel like I’m stretched too thin, like an elastic band about to snap. I find myself working late into the night, catching up on emails and reports, sacrificing sleep to ensure I can meet the needs of both my family and my career. But fatigue wears me down, both physically and emotionally, leaving me to question if I’m doing enough for those who depend on me the most.

Yet, amidst the struggles, there are moments of profound joy. I witness the resilience and strength of my children, their ability to overcome obstacles with a determination that astounds me. I celebrate their victories, no matter how small, and find solace in knowing that I am a part of their growth and development, even if my time is divided.

Anna, my rock and partner in this tumultuous journey, understands the challenges we face. Together, we find strength in each other, supporting one another through the long nights, the heartaches, and the triumphs. We remind ourselves that we are not alone in this struggle, that there is a vast community of parents facing similar battles, and that seeking help and sharing experiences is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our love for our children.

As I make my way back home, exhaustion clings to every fiber of my being. But as I open the front door, I’m greeted by the familiar sounds of laughter and the sight of my children, each unique in their own way, waiting for me with open arms. Their love is unwavering, their acceptance unconditional. In their embrace, I find the strength to carry on, to navigate the ever-shifting landscape of family life and work.

Though the struggle to balance the needs of my children, and the demands of my career can feel overwhelming, it is a battle worth fighting. The joy and love my family brings outweigh the challenges we face, reminding me that in the midst of the chaos, there is beauty, strength, and an unbreakable bond that grounds me in reality and gives me hope for the future.



Golden Branch
Fathers Life

A loving father, husband and philanthropist at heart.