Everyday I Love You

living my dream

Geneva Blue


My Darling Fatima,

I live my dream everyday Jaanu. I love you in every moment, with every thought. I lose myself in my paradise where we share every second enjoying the love we share for each other. My love, you are my dream.

I dream of you every second. You consume every last ounce of the moonlight and daylight of my everyday. You make every day worth living. You make every day feel wonderful. You are the bright sun in my daylight sky. You are the midnight moon shining on my heart. Nothing in this existence is comparable to what you mean…what you feel to me.

I will forever live this dream.

I dream of the day I lay my eyes upon you. I dream of the day I hear your beautiful voice. I dream every day of our next embrace. I will always dream of us because every day I believe in us. I will always believe in us.

Our story has no ending my love Fatima. Its a story that trancends time, as does our love. Our bond is stronger than us being apart. In the end our love will prevail. It will always prevail. Our love will only get stronger and more intense with the passage of our lives and into our next existence.

I pray everyday to see you, to hear you, to feel your touch. I will always pray to Allah for this. Everyday we are apart.

And when we are finally reunited. In our happiness and in our love, I will always be grateful to Allah for you and all we share, just like I do today.

My Jaanu, I will always love you. I will always dream of you. I will always think of you. I will always pray for you. I will never let you go because

Everyday I will love you.


