Our Love

Geneva Blue
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2014


Even if we don’t see each other again, I’m soooo content with how and what we’ve become to each other.

You are everything to me. And today on all the days that we express our love and our feelings for one another, I want to share my thoughts about us. Jaanu you and I are something more. We have always been and we will always be. We are more than friends. We are more than companions. We are more than two people who love each other so much that it hurts. We have always been more.

In the good times and the bad we always find each other. Our lives may take different paths, have different ideas. We may live in different worlds, but we will always have our connection, our bond. Jaanu, what makes us truly special is what we share even in each other’s absence. I feel you everyday. I think of you all the time. I pray for you every chance I get.

My love, we are always there for each other. Even when one of us may think that the other doesn't care or is too busy. You never know when someone mentions you in their prayers or is out and about with others thinking only of you. When one is down the other pulls you right back up. We are each other’s strength and support.

Jaanu, you know perfectly well that I love you and I want to share my every moment in this life with you. You know perfectly well what it is that I want. But what we have today, we will have forever. No matter what. And that makes me so immeasurably happy. Our love will endure, no matter the circumstances, the experiences and the people in our lives.

There is a good reason why I always tell you that everything will be OK. That everything will be amazing. Its because of our love. I know that no matter what, no matter what happens, we will always be together. Even when we are apart. This is why I smile and why you should too.

Today all I have to express my love for you are my words.

InSHAllah, tomorrow, I will show you my love for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day my Jaanu.


