dancing under the stars

Worth It

every second of this life

Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2013


My Dear Fatima,

There is no guide to our lives, no map hidden in the night sky, lurking behind the stars. We take a single step every day never knowing where we will find ourselves tomorrow. It can be frightening and terrifying not having a clue about our direction or heading.Where am I? Where am I going?

But my love…if my experience has taught me anything at all, it is that instead of having feelings of fear or dread about what may become of us tomorrow it is now that we should cherish and be grateful for. Because now…in this moment, you are alive, you are breathing, your heart is beating. You are alive right now, not tomorrow. This is the moment to be thankful for all you have and for all inSHAllah you will experience. This moment is when you cry out to Allah and thank Him for everything in your life. This is the moment when you grab a drink because it is that important to me.

Jaanam I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. None of us do. It is the magic wonder of life that unfolds in front of our eyes. We fear what we do not know.Its only natural. My lovely Jaanu, all I ask is that you don’t fear for tomorrow. Life will unfold as it should. In the end we guide our own fate, we make the decisions that will determine the course of our lives….true. But we cannot determine where we will go beforehand.

Each single step we take in every moment collectively builds our lives.

Let your path unfold moment by moment by being true to yourself,

Trust in Allah.

Love your family.

Be the best person you can be.

Do what’s right.

I love you for who you are. I love you because you trust in Allah, because you love your family so much. I love you because you truly strive to be a good and righteous person and even more importantly I love you because you always try to do what’s right.

Jaanu follow your heart…and I will follow mine

Loving you is worth every second of my life. Every heartbeat, every breathe.There is nothing worth more in my life than you.

My Jaanu I will love you until the day I die.

I live every moment being in love with you. My feelings all revolve around you.Yes, decisions will be made, headings set for our lives…but no matter. I will only ever love you in this life and the next. I know this just as I know Allah listens to my prayers every night. Jaanu whether you accept what I say or not does not matter to me. I feel truth in every word I say. There is nothing more sure.

I am happy to love you even without you.

You are worth every second of my life even if I am not worth a second of yours. It does not matter where our lives end up.Where we go. Who you are with. I will love you the same, I will cherish you the same, I will be grateful every day for you the same. Even if I don’t have you to share my life with, it is of no consequence because you exist with me in my heart,

Every moment is worth it.


