So, You Got Fat: 8 Steps Towards Body Liberation

How to move forward and embrace your body just the way it is

Rachael Hope


Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

It’s not easy to move from a life of embracing and buying in to diet culture to one where you appreciate your body for what it is. We live in a culture in which expectations are placed upon our bodies before we are even born (think gender reveals). Where my children’s BMI, an outdated and inaccurate gauge of health, has been printed on their pediatric after-visit summaries from the age of 2. Where my girlfriend, a dancer in a non-traditional dancer body, realized that the first time she looked at a photo of herself and thought she looked fat, she was only five years old.

We live in a culture in which expectations are placed upon our bodies before we are even born.

On my article, I Am a Fat Woman, and I’m Not Sorry About It, Bjoern-Erik Hartsfvang left a thoughtful comment about the battle they, and so many others, face in coming to terms with accepting their bodies. Here are eight steps I’ve taken to allow me to move towards body liberation, several of which use portions of Bjoern’s comment as a jumping off point.

Expect Recovery to Be Ongoing

Can I use you as a role model?



Rachael Hope

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.