Pick a Straw, Any Straw

Lee W.
Faux Woke
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2017

The straw that broke the camel’s back is one of my favorite idioms since it perfectly describes how overtime multiple inconsequential things can become such a problem that eventually one last issue pushes you completely over the edge. No matter how organized, educated, or strong (mentally or physically) a person is we are all one idiotic statement or foolish move away from throwing up our hands in disgust and walking away from an entire situation. In my case four issues all combined breaking my back to the point that I am now here on Medium ranting into the virtual wind along with hundreds of other writers. What are those issues? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you because I am sure quite a few of you can relate.

I wish this was fake news too buddy. Photo by Kayla Velasquez

4. Mainstream Media

I promise, I am not about to start typing about “fake news” while sharing some farfetched conspiracy theory to discredit the media in its entirety. There are still news sources operating on state and national levels that keep us, the public, informed regarding events that have the power to shape our lives. Unfortunately, a lot of the heavy hitters in the media world have stopped reporting events responsibly and instead focus on getting the most likes/shares/clicks possible at the expense of actual journalism.

We the people are bombarded with sensationalized politicized stories that rarely contain verified facts and almost never promote journalistic integrity. Things that would have caused major scandals in the past (circulating stories with no fact checking, sharing photoshopped pictures, and accidentally publishing articles based on satirical blog posts) are now common place. Things have gotten so ridiculous that major news sources will cite a three year old thoroughly debunked story with absolutely no shame.

This is how I look when I am judging you. Photo by Yvan Musy

3. Problematic Favorites

All of us who use the Internet on a regular basis and who are semi-active on social media have a few public figures or popular pages that we follow. These people vocalize opinions we are often afraid to share and champion those beliefs that are dearest to our own hearts. Since we tend to form a major attachment to our favorites when they start being problematic we usually end up in an ugly and uncomfortable situation.

First, we must digest the problematic ass shit we unexpectedly find ourselves consuming. Second, we must overcome the knee jerk reaction to defend the problematic ass shit solely because we low key love our fave. Third, we need to stop denying how problematic our fave has become and figure out if we want to stick around or unfollow. The problem is, the shit keeps happening and shows no sign of stopping. It doesn’t matter if you are progressive, conservative, religious, or an atheist I guarantee you will eventually find yourself following someone who does a hard 180 for who knows what reason and after the fifth time that happens you will be right here on Medium ranting with the rest of us.

2. Hoteps

Seriously, ya’ll need to get off the Internet and stop embarrassing yourselves and our community.

1. Fake Woke Folk

The reason I’ve titled this little piece of space “faux woke” is because the mind numbing, soul sucking, existence of fake or fashionably woke folk is the main thing that inspired me to start writing on this platform. Yes, I know plenty of the people reading this are thoroughly woke and proud which is great. My issue is with the people who sit on social media saying all the progressively acceptable things necessary to get into the woke/ally cookie receiving crowd while doing fuck all to affect change.

I’m talking about the people who believe dating a person who is a different ethnicity makes them the next Malcolm X. Those same people who rant about the rights of marginalized communities while wearing an “I’m With Her Shirt” but later talk over or dismiss a member of said marginalized community when they bring up an incident of racism or violence involving someone who identifies as liberal/democrat/progressive. Basically, all those people who are woke when it gets them attention but fast asleep when it is actually time to get up, go out, and physically DO something be it hand out blankets to the homeless or stand in a candlelight vigil to remember a victim of senseless violence.

