Favorize launches to fuel discovery of bite-size content

Yoni Havana
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2016


Favorize is a tool to highlight, share and discover bite-size content. It’s a simple way to cut through the noise online by following people who interest you and discovering the bits of knowledge they find on the web.

We all use social networks to share links, thoughts, pictures and videos. But what about text-based content? Saving and sharing interesting articles should be just as easy!

With Favorize, you can highlight text from any webpage, just like you would highlight a printed book or article, and you can share it via email, Twitter, Facebook and with the Favorize community.

How it came to life

I’ve learned that highlighting is one of the best ways to store and process the information you want to remember. As a kid, I saw how my dad highlighted books and articles using two pens simultaneously. When the internet came along, he tried to digitize that method — copying an article into Outlook and annotating it in multiple colors before emailing it to coworkers, friends and family. Although valuable, a dozen daily emails from him got messy, quickly. Favorize was built to make this valuable knowledge sharing process as easy as possible.

We’re building a community

Next to being a simple tool to highlight and share text online, Favorize is also a community where people can share their highlights for others to discover. You don’t even have to be a member to search for subjects you find interesting; we believe knowledge should be accessible for everyone. What if we can help each other to find the most valuable bits of knowledge? We can all become smarter, faster.

By creating a socially connected layer on top of text-based content that fuels people’s thoughts and findings, we’re not only building a place for people to discover knowledge, but also a place to share and discuss it with others.

How Favorize works

Think of Favorize like Pinterest, but with paragraphs instead of pictures. Your feed is a collection of text-only excerpts from online articles, highlighted and tagged by people you follow. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sign up and add our Chrome extension
  • Highlight and share any text-based content you find interesting
  • Share it via email, Twitter or Facebook
  • Check out your own personalized feed to discover interesting articles, highlighted by people you know and whose opinions you trust
  • You can also access highlights from people outside your following by using search and filters

We created Favorize to make the most of the internet and your time. Our goal is to become a truly efficient resource to discover and gain knowledge. I want to invite you to join our community to discover and share bite-size knowledge and inspiration that interests you!

Favorize is available for Chrome and our website is responsive, with native mobile apps launching soon. Hit me up with your thoughts, requests and feedback, you can email me directly via yoni@favorize.com.

Founder of Favorize

