Publications, talks and interviews

Leon Fayer
homo technologicus’ asylum
4 min readSep 12, 2018



DevOps and Business — O’Reilly Media

Podcasts, Interviews and Quotes

Growing Leaders — The Tech Trek
DevOps & Business— DevOps Дефлопе podcast (Russian)
Importance of culture — podcast
Business Monitoring — DevOps Дефлопе podcast (Russian)
Citizen developers push the pace in BizDevOps — TechTarget
AWS appeals to the masses with low-code development project — TechTarget
Evolution of DevOps — O’Reilly
Wondering what comes after DevOps? Developers, it’s time for BizDevOps — TechTarget
25 advantages of DevOps — DevOps Digest
30 Must-Have Tools to Support DevOps — DevOps Digest
Container monitoring requires a new breed of IT tool — TechTarget
5 tips that improve DevOps efficiency — Zephyr
Improving DevOps performance — Profit Bricks
All eyes on monitoringDevOps Leadership Series 2015
10 professional-development tips for programmers — Computerworld UK
Designing Great Websites That Sell — WS Radio, RSS Ray Show


AI solved all my problems (and created all the new ones)
– DevOpsDays DC, 2023

What kids can teach us about building effective teams (Ignite)
– DevOpsDays DC, 2022 (video)
– DevOpsDays Baltimore, 2023

Inheriting legacy organizations: first 90 days as a CTO
– DevOps Marathon, 2019 (in Russian)
– DevOpsConf, 2019 (in Russian) (video)

How to measure success
– RIT++, 2018 (in Russian) (video)

The main reason for your cloud bill is …
– DevOpsDays Philly, 2018

9 Biases in Tech (Ignite)
– DevOpsDays Baltimore, 2018 (video)
– DevOpsDays Raleigh, 2018

BizDevOps: business-first approach to DevOps
– DC StartUp Week, 2017 (video)
– Better Software East, 2017

Developing Applications for Performance
– NomadPHP, 2018
– php[world], 2017
– CoderCruise, 2017

Building the right architecture for YOU (Ignite)— DevOpsDays Austin, 2017

Lost Art of Troubleshooting
– Mid-Atlantic Developer Conference, 2018
– DevOpsDays Boston, 2017 (video)
– Coder Cruise, 2017
– YAPC::NA, 2017 (video)
– DevOpsDays Baltimore, 2017

Adventures in public speaking
– DevOpsDays Denver, 2018 (video)
– YAPC::NA, 2017 (Lightning) (video)
– Surge, 2016 (Lightning) (video)
– DevOpsDays Detroit, 2016 (Ignite)

BizOps and you
– DevOpsDays Moscow, 2017 (in Russian) (video)
– DevOpsDays Boston, 2016 (video)
– DevOpsDays Kansas City, 2016 (video)

Oncall for Developers (Ignite)
– DevOpsDays Atlanta, 2016 (video)
– DevOpsDays DC, 2016 (video at 3:17:20)
– DevOpsDays Raleigh, 2016
– DevOpsDays Ohio, 2016 (video)

Database performance — DC-Baltimore Perl Workshop, 2016

Production testing through monitoring
selected as one of the Best Monitoring Talks Every Developer Should Watch
– DevOpsDays Denver, 2016 (video)
– DevOpsDays Charlotte, 2015

How DevOps anti-patterns ruined holidays (Ignite)
–DevOpsDays Baltimore, 2019 (video)
– DevOpsDays Philly, 2016 (video)
– DevOpsDays Charlotte, 2015

What DevOps Is Not (Ignite)
– DevOpsDays Moscow, 2017 (in Russian) (video)
– DevOpsDays DC, 2015 (video)
– DevOpsDays Pittsburgh, 2015 (video)
– DevOpsDays Chicago, 2015 (video)

PHP Performance 101: So you want to use a database — php[world], 2014

Improving DevOps Through Better Monitoring — DevOps Summit, 2014

Future of CMS (panel) — Internet Marketing Summit, 2012

Breaking Social Dependency — Internet Marketing Summit, 2012


Medium Publications (Author and Editor)
Application Performance for Developers series

Performance Calendar
Reducing property access — December 11, 2021
Understanding the scope — December 9, 2021
Content Separation — December 8, 2021
Migrations: Getting there faster — December 28, 2018

SYS-CON Media (Ulitzer Author)
How to Streamline the Development Process with Commit Hooks — December 4, 2015
What DevOps Is Not — March 26, 2015
New Year’s Resolutions for Internet Retail — January 14, 2015
Data Quantity, Quality & Frequency: Keys to Production Readiness — September 25, 2014
In Search of the Unknown — July 27, 2012
Consideration for Selecting a Content Management System — February 29, 2012

WIRED Innovation Insights
The Year of DevOps — February 19, 2016
Making the Right Technology Decisions in the Changing High-Tech Landscape — March 12, 2015

DevX Journal
Seeing the Big Picture: A Holistic View of Web Application Monitoring — January 29, 2013
Monitoring the Big Picture: A Modern Approach for Web Application Monitoring — January 22, 2013

On Technical Debt
Technical Debt: Naughty or Nice? — November 30, 2012
Technical Debt vs ROI — March 7, 2012

Total Retail
Scaling Your Online Business for the Holidays — September 26, 2014

Tech Republic
Catch a Bug with Monitoring — March 25, 2013

Is ad personalization a threat to privacy? — June 5, 2012

Internet Retailer Magazine
Think Ahead — April 1, 2012

Case for a Broader, Deeper, Coordinated Approach to Monitoring Your Business — April 7, 2015



Leon Fayer
homo technologicus’ asylum

Technologist. Cynic. Of the opinion that nothing really works until it works for at least a million of users.