Get your poems published in 2019

Faylita Hicks
The Hood Chick’s Guide
4 min readJan 10, 2019


A publication resource for new poets.

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

You’ve written something amazing. Edited the poem until you couldn’t bare to look it in the eye anymore and now you just want it out of the house and on someone’s To-Read list. Cool. But where are you going to send it? No clue? Don’t worry — I’ve got a few suggestions.

Read your favorite poets…and their bios!

So you love Danez Smith, huh? Read their latest piece here at Poetry Magazine. Did you enjoy that poem? Great! Now read their bio. Smith, as you can see, has won a lot of awards — but I want to focus on this part:

Their writing has appeared in many magazines and journals, such as Poetry, Ploughshares, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Kinfolks.

This is the line you’ll be looking for every time you read the bios of your favorite writers.

For now, I just want to focus on the fact that if we had no idea where to start looking for places to submit our work, we now have the names of four publications we can look up. Add them to your list!

Free resources online

I went ahead and gathered together several free resources online that you can access right now to get ideas about where to apply. Check these sites out and get a few literary…



Faylita Hicks
The Hood Chick’s Guide

Poet | Writer | Work in Longreads, Slate, HuffPost, Texas Observer, Poetry Mag +| Author of HoodWitch| Queer NB Pan Femme | Mx. @FaylitaHicks