Fayre Welcomes Apollo to Make Development Faster, Smoother and Safer

Fayre announces a new technical partnership with Apollo

Fayre Labs
2 min readApr 5, 2022


At Fayre we are welcoming awesome tech partners on board to help us successfully develop the tools that will facilitate the use of NFTs. One of our newest partnerships is with Apollo, which will be enabling the Fayre tech ecosystem to function even more efficiently.

Apollo builds open-source tools and commercial services used by thousands of developers in production. The company is focused on making application development easier, better, and accessible to more people.

Fayre is in good company using Apollo. Other highly successful global companies that enjoy its services include Paypal, Expedia, Glassdoor recruitment and OKCupid.

Fayre CTO Fernando Torres says, “Apollo is a modern data-fetching approach which makes it easier for us to serve data from GraphQL and the blockchain for user consumption.”

Benefits of working with Apollo

Apollo Client is Apollo’s library for connecting safely and securely between back-end data and the front-end UI. Apollo Client helps web designers and developers to structure code in an economical, predictable, and declarative way that is consistent with modern development practices.

In short, it makes functionality faster, smoother and safer for users of the new Fayre ecosystem.

This system enables app developers and designers to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. They can use it to fetch, cache, and modify app data, all while automatically updating the UI. They can iterate faster while writing less code.

In the Apollo Client community, knowledge is shared between developers, enabling them to solve problems and work more productively. These features will enable Fayre to keep growing and offering ever better services for its brands and fans.

Getting stronger and sweeter

At Fayre, we are proud to count on the support of Apollo and many more outstanding tech partners that we’ll be announcing soon. We are getting stronger every day, thanks to new partnerships that help us create the best tools, making the world of NFTs even sweeter.


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Fayre Labs

The coolest NFT club. We bring creators, brands and fans together by providing them with easy-to-use tools to leverage the NFT world.