4 Steps To Starting Your New Design Project in Sketch App

Faizur Rehman
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2018

A sketch is a really powerful tool more than we think, and reality is sketch saved a lot of time while we are going on and the fun part is there are so many plugins available which save our time a lot.

But the question is? If you want to start the new project on the sketch so what is the best way to start the new project? this question I always asked my self when I started work on the sketch in the end of 2015. After getting 3 years experience in sketch app and now I am going to tell you best approach to start your new project with fewer hassles.

I will guide my steps which I always followed and every day I improved them and If you are new in the sketch and you don’t know how to start then might be this article will help you.

Step 1: Grid System

The grid system is an important thing for design and it always helps in managing things easily, So example: you have web design project and you will use Bootstrap 4 framework for development so It will better to adopt bootstrap grid system for your design into the sketch. It will give you more flexible design and you can easily manage it by knowing about bootstrap.

It is a good starting point that whatever you project like web design, app design or any business application and you should know at-least little requirement like frameworks!

Step 2: Branding

Branding is very important and believes me If you give an hour to setup all branding of your project then It gonna save your tons of time.

Now you are thinking? How will we figure out that what will be color, fonts and most important thing if something happens that we have change something like color then how we will able to change across all artboard? I will give this question answer in Step 3

Branding | Color

Create typography means your font and your styling headings, sub-headings, labels, body text and more. this thing will reduce your time and help you make good consistency in your design.

Branding | Icon

Right icons always help in decorating your project and this is actually good, Always choose the right icon and right icon family for your project. and It would be better if you illustrate your own icons by using sketch or Illustrator and your own icon you will get more control to refine.Some good source for icons here

Step 3: Create Style & Symbols

This is the best part of my work, What I do? first I create a Shared style of my colors and typography so this approach helps me a lot example I did not create symbol and I just simply created shared style of my colors so If I need to change something like update color then I normally change and updated by clicking on small button which is showing in image 2.


After creating shared style then I create symbols mostly like my colors, components: labels, buttons, navbar and more.

So I have more control over my design I easily make change by using shared style or symbols.

Step 4: Project Management

It is very hard to manage the project, files, delivered files so I just simply created my flow not so much complicated!

I hope you got some good stuff to start your first project and you can also watch this video too, I create new video Sketch series on youtube!

This is my channel where I upload the video every Wednesday and Saturday. Nowadays I am working on sketch series to teach more…

Subscribe my channel by hitting this 👇👇👇👇

If you have any question or any suggestion then comment below and thank you so much to give it your most important time.

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Faizur Rehman
Editor for

Creative Director & Consultant— Let's work together me@faizur.com