Don’t Give Feedback Before You Do This!

One thing before you give feedback to someone

Sandy Oktavian
3 min readMay 10, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

Listening is a bridge to give the feedback

Listening already exists with us naturally comes with us since being born in this world. Listening is not something that our parents ordered since we were little because humans will listen to anything around us consciously and unconsciously. Even before humans speak, listening is the first thing that has been in our lives from the very beginning.

Listening becomes one important thing in humans life as a form of the part in communication. How can we speak with someone without we have to listen first? Even almost all people want to be heard about their though or something that they want to tell.

Listening doesn’t just go into the left ear and it comes out in the right ear

Listening is important before giving feedback to someone, but it’s often someone not giving good feedback or doesn’t match what is expected. In this case, we should know how to listen in a good way to give good feedback.

In this article, I will walk you through the four-way to listen before giving feedback to someone.

1. Respond

Respond is the first key when you listen to someone. Can you imagine when you talk to someone and react just silent and showing a flat face?

When someone talks to us, try to give a response. This makes the other person talk to us realize that they are heard and focus on listening to him. But carefully don’t make annoying moments by giving a response too much for him. It might make him uncomfortable talking to you. You can do this by nodding your head or another little response by talking like this:

hmmm, oh ya?

2. Listen to the end

Sometimes we are too excited and initiative to respond quickly to give immediate feedback at the start. Someone doesn’t know that listening is one of which includes part of the waiting process.

When someone talks to us, never interrupt the conversation. Stay listening until they finish to stop talking to you. But, when the conversation out of the topic they talked about, we have to immediately respond and try to get someone back to speak what they want to talk about.

3. Repeating part of the sentence

We are not enough to be quiet and only listen without giving a reaction to anything to them. But try to repeat some parts of what was said. Enough by mention some parts in sentences, it triggers our conversation partner to know that we are interested in the conversation.

How to let them know that we focus on listening to their talk and validating the words they convey? By repeating part of the sentence also part of the process to make it easier for us before giving good feedback. We try to digest every sentence they say to repeat a few sentences that they have to convey.

4. Summarize and Conclude

When someone already talks to us, try to summarize what they said and conclude first to digest what exactly they want to deliver. That thing makes it easy to direct the conversation before giving feedback or questioning him.

We can’t summarize and conclude from someone's talk if we can’t respond to someone's talk, listen to their talk to the end, and repeat the sentences they said. This can be the whole thing of what someone needs to have when they want to listen to someone and give good feedback.

