Raising a Design System on The Multi-Products Company

Abel Christian Yudhistira
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2020

Back in 2019, I started working at FAZZ Financial, which is a fintech startup. I thought that it was an interesting company and a place to work.

The Chief Experience Officer, Tewi, offered me a position as a design ops. The job requires me to build design systems, while I do understand the concept I am still learning about it. In my opinion it’s a good challenge for me to experience, since I used to think that there’s only one type of persona for the products and it won’t be too different from PAYFAZZ. However, I found out that there were more products such as CANFAZZ, BILLFAZZ, SELLFAZZ, POST., FAZZCARD, and neu — and each of these products had their own user persona.

“”The question is: “how do I create one principal design system for these products with their vary product personas?”

I started researching with my own team first. I asked a lot of questions and read a lot of things on how personal scale designers work, how they solved UI/UX problems, how they communicate with developers and product managers, and I also checked out a library for more information. The library is filled with useful components that aren’t always applied, and it’s rarely used by designers. However, with a good and clear design system principal, designers will easily understand and be able to use it.

Fazz Design Library
Style ftw!
need some icon? here you go!
Don’t forget to put some principal guidelines on illustration library, Thank you Adi our illustrator ❤

These are a few key points I got from my research:

“It have to be used by many satisfied people”

The design system must be widely used and understood by all designers and other divisions using the system since they need it. Most of the time those have the design system, but many designers don’t use it.

Don't forget to put some notes

“There must be a principle”

When there is a clear principle, it will be easier for the designers to make decisions. As a result, the products are consistent, the individual will work efficiently, and they will be proud of the outcome.

Fazz Design is straight and bold

Fazz Design give users clear and straightforward suggestions to get better experiences.

Fazz Design is Fast and Dynamic

Fazz Design using dynamic design that is easier to understand and can be used by all users.

Fazz Design is clear visual

Visualisation in Fazz Design is clear so can be used by all users.

“A collaboration with various divisions”

The design system does not only help the designers, but it affects other divisions as well. For example, developers who create components for each design. If it’s more consistent they will collaborate with the design ops team to make their code library easier. Together with the Product Manager and QA the consistency of each component and understanding of the principle, everything will be on the same page.

It must be scalable and constantly improving, because the design system is a living thing.

I treat the design system as a service, not a product; because in my opinion, a great design system is constantly changing, always improving, and there are various divisions involved. When it’s maintained and improved, everyone will be happy.

Don’t compare the design system with other systems.Each company has their own design system.”

The principle design system in each company must be different, due to the different types of products and the various people involved in them.

Our design system is not perfect but we always growing and keep building our design system to keep everyone happy!

It have to be used by many satisfied people
There must be a principle
A collaboration with various divisions
It must be scalable and constantly improving because the design system is a living thing.
Don’t compare the design system with other systems. Each company has their own design system.

Adi Saputra + Belle Vianco

That’s all!



Abel Christian Yudhistira

I make design strategy, including design principles, design system language and iconic design elements for the whole product