ShopFAZZ: UX Case Study and PAYFAZZ Design Process

Azmi Iqbal Goldina Prakasa
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2020
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

PAYFAZZ Introduction

PAYFAZZ is a digital financial service agent-based, which has a purpose to help the unbanked and rural population in Indonesia. PAYFAZZ provides an easy way to make financial transactions, and secures users when they make an online payment.

ShopFAZZ Service

Presently, PAYFAZZ is always innovating services that will benefit our agents greatly, and one of those services is ShopFAZZ. ShopFAZZ is a cheaper and efficient service that helps agents stock and store items.

UX Designer at PAYFAZZ

As a UX Designer at PAYFAZZ, I was trusted to handle the ShopFAZZ. I was honored when I received this project, because I was only working for two months.

How do I come up with a solution until the project is successfully released and used by PAYFAZZ agents?

Design Thinking

I used the Design Thinking method to help me create the best solution from the existing issues.

The five stages of Design Thinking are: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

Without any further ado, let’s start the design process.

Author/Copyright holder: Teo Yu Siang and Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright terms and license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

1 Empathise

In the first stages of Design Thinking, I tried to balance between product objective and the user’s needs from ShopFAZZ services.

Product Objective

The product object of ShopFAZZ is to assist agents who has a shop (warung) to restock or buy items from the PAYFAZZ application.

User Research

Before going any further, the first thing we need to do is explore the needs and problems the user faces when he is restocking his store items. To find out, I conducted a user research by interviewing the users. Five agents who owned a store (warung) participated.

2 Define

The second phase is Define. In this phase there was an explanation about the insights from the user research.

User Persona

From the insights from the users, I was able to form one user persona. User personas are made to finding a solution easily based on the user stories.

User Needs & Problems

The insight is based on the users needs and problems.

User Needs:

  1. Store needs are easy to fulfill
  2. Restock items without leaving the store (store still open)
  3. Restock items with lower prices

User Problems:

  1. Restoring items directly takes time
  2. The price of wholesale items at the nearest distributor is not economical

3 Ideate

After understanding the user’s needs and problems, the next step is to create user flow based on the user’s ideal condition when purchasing the items.

User Flow

  1. Looking for items to buy
  2. Purchasing of items
  3. Viewing a purchase transaction history


4 Prototype

The wireframe that was made in the previous stage will be implemented in a prototype form. The creation of a prototype begins with determining the design guidelines.

Design Guideline

The ShopFAZZ’s brand identity color is red, since ShopFAZZ is still considered a form of services at PAYFAZZ the design guidelines is adjusted to PAYFAZZ’s standard.

Medium-fidelity Prototype

5 Test

After the prototype solution has been successfully created, the next step is to validate the solution to ensure if it has answered the needs and problems faced by the user.

Usability Test

The usability test technique that was tested on the previous five agents are carried out using the completion rate approach. Below are the explanations:

  1. Point 3, users can complete tasks without obstacles
  2. Point 2, the user can complete the task with obstacles
  3. Point 1, the user can’t complete the task

The points above are accumulated in a percentage. Participants try prototyping using task flow based on user flow that was created from the Ideate stage.

Test Result

These are the results of the test using the completion rate approach:

  1. Task flow 1 (looking for items to buy) has a percentage value of 100%
  2. Task flow 2 (purchasing of items) has a percentage value of 100%
  3. Task flow 3 (viewing a purchase transaction history) has a percentage value of 73%


Based on the design process that has been passed, and the results of usability testing, the solutions are considered capable of facilitating user needs and product objectives.


That’s my experience as a UX Designer at PAYFAZZ. How was your experience during the design process? Feel free to let me know!. Thank you for reading!

