Ayunda Hamzah, Senior Product Manager — From a Digital Marketing Troop to Building BILLFAZZ.

Icha Prakoso
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2019
Photo: Ayunda Hamzah, Product Manager BILLFAZZ at PAYFAZZ HQ (Icha Prakoso/PAYFAZZ)
Photo: Ayunda Hamzah, Product Manager BILLFAZZ at PAYFAZZ HQ (Icha Prakoso/PAYFAZZ)

BILLFAZZ is a financial service solution that focuses on providing the PPOB (Payment Point Online Bank) system under the FAZZFinancial Group. BILLFAZZ helps companies sectors by providing a system that helps clients to sell credit, data packages, telephone bills, BPJS Kesehatan, PLN (tokens and bills), etc.

Departing from the experience of being part of PAYFAZZ, BILLFAZZ is optimistic to be able to provide a more efficient system to their clients. When Ayunda started her career at PAYFAZZ in May 2018, she had no professional background in Product/Engineering.

While working at many social media agencies, and one of the largest payment aggregators as Digital Marketer, she never forgot her passion for Programming, Technology, and Web Publishing. She took a boot camp back then, and after the 3–4 months Coding & Programming boot camp Ayunda learned about the logic of programming. Not long after that, she started working at PAYFAZZ.

She had no idea about what she was going to do as an Associate Product Manager (APM), until she was trusted to take care of PAYFAZZ Recharge as a Product Manager. As a Product Manager, she didn’t just needed to learn about how to make a reliable system for the App, but she also had to focus on runing the business and the operations.

She decided to be bold, without any background on how to run it all — Ayunda tried to swim the ocean, and started her journey as a PAYFAZZ Recharge Product Manager. She claims that she’s not really good at planning, and not a good strategist. She really has to learn something by doing, and then see what can be improved from the ongoing system by herself.

Collecting one by one by observing the day-to-day situation, she found out that it’s not the App-system nor the product quantity, but the operating system itself that needed to be improved. She realized that the product could dynamically change in minutes due to the price or product code.

Every transaction should be maintained, and she sees it as something that we can’t underestimate. She explained that sometimes, the core is the smallest. From the very least that we can see, there must be something to improve.

Photo: Ayunda Hamzah, Product Manager BILLFAZZ at PAYFAZZ HQ (Icha Prakoso/PAYFAZZ)
Photo: Ayunda Hamzah, Product Manager BILLFAZZ at PAYFAZZ HQ (Icha Prakoso/PAYFAZZ)

For Ayunda paying attention to real-time product audit, and to frequently check our product status to PAYFAZZ customers is important. Not only that, she maintains communications, and built her own system to connect with the providers and stakeholders. She knows that she needs to create more efficient working procedure to set the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for her product providers, and to put the point of difference (POD) with the other competitors.

She guaranteed that PAYFAZZ Recharge has the fastest access to connect with. It also has various products based on the agents’ needs with the simplest, and easiest Application Program Interface (API) to use.

She’s focused on handling the problem. She thoroughly sees what can be improved, and what can be removed to create a more effective and efficient system. After evaluating and improving all of the operational system and its service excellence in 3 months the GMV significantly increased.

Then after 3 months at PAYFAZZ the CEO, Hendra Kwik, trusted Ayunda to build BILLFAZZ. A PAYFAZZ-owned multi payment aggregator, is where Ayunda was challenged to build and improve the product then create its own POD. She explained that BILLFAZZ’s POD is an easy-integration product, which means we all have the products that our clients need within one App with easy API so it’s user friendly guaranteed. She also explained that to be integrated with BILLFAZZ means a business can quickly sell various products available with competitive price.

Other than talking about the business, her operational team is the core of the team and NOT the supporting one. Ayunda believes that the bond within the team is one of the most important things to maintain. The #ProCustomer mindset between them is an important asset to run the business.

Ayunda believes that appreciation matters to her team. Ayunda gives the freedom for her team to work from anywhere with any preferred way they choose as long as they reach the SLA. She really treats her operational team as the core, because she values their insights as they witness daily problems to solve together.

One thing that she believes is that the operational team is one of the biggest sources of insights needed to improve the business. She wants the #ProCustomer mindset to be in all FAZZMILY members heart and mind. Because the more we care about the little things, the more we know what to improve for our customers to fulfill their needs.

As she leads BILLFAZZ, PAYFAZZ won 1st place for Top Master Performance XL XTRA League, and Top Newcomer Package Revenue 2018 too! Kudos to the BILLFAZZ team!

(Icha Prakoso/Belle Vianco)



Icha Prakoso
Writer for

Daily. Thoughts. Basically a space to speak my mind.