FAZZ Financial Corporate Plan and Response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Published in
8 min readMar 31, 2020

Corporate Response

FAZZ Financial is committed to prioritize the safety of our associates, customers and business partners as we monitor the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) around the world and specifically in Indonesia. We have been taking steps to ensure the safety and wellness of our employees including travel restrictions (both internationally and domestically), reviewing business continuity plans, prudently evaluating the need and attendance at group gatherings and continuously sharing guidance on staying healthy. We expect these guidelines to be in place until the confirmation of the disease is contained all over the world. We’ll continue to provide updates as things develop.

Current Corporate Status: Scenario #1: Precautious Stage

● Operations in the office remain business as usual.

● Limit staff travel for both business trips and personal travel plans. When travel is necessary, staff must be approved by head departments.

● Staff traveling from the 4 highly infected countries (China, Italy, Iran, and South Korea) must self-quarantine for 14 days at their house. Staff traveling from other infected countries shall self-quarantine for 3 days at their house, continue with further health monitoring for the next 11 days.

● PAYFAZZ Meeting Room will be dedicated for activities with external parties only. No internal activity allowed to use the room for a temporary time being.

● Health advisory will continue to be shared to all employees such as, usage of hand sanitizer, wash hands and other tips on a weekly basis.

● We will continue to distribute hand sanitizer and masks.

● Staff and guests at FAZZ Financial will be required undergo a body temperature check on a daily basis.

● We are enhancing office cleaning schedules to be more frequent, especially around areas of high traffic (door knobs/handle, meeting rooms, bathrooms, food areas).

The Current Situation

COVID-19 has been declared as pandemic by the World Health Organisation and number of confirmed patients in Indonesia has increased gradually since the first case on 2nd of March 2020. Several confirmed cases have been discovered in areas among Indonesia. Thus, it is advisable that all employees avoid these areas and always be cautious when gathering in a confined space such as gyms, office, public transport and other crowded spaces

What We Know About COVID-19

As we see the continued climb of COVID-19 case counts around the world, here are some things we know about the disease:

● You are way less likely to get COVID-19 than the common flu.

● About 81% of people who are infected with COVID-19 have mild cases of COVID-19.

● The virus spreads when the cough or sneeze droplets get into our eyes, nose & mouth. Wear a mask only when you are sick.

● Older People and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness.

● You can’t catch the virus from pets. There is no evidence that your pet dog or cat can pass on the COVID-19, according to the WHO.

● The virus does not choose its victims. Tom Hanks and wife have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Australia :”(

● Majority of people recover from the illness. Stay neat, clean and hygiene.

We will continue to give you all the tools to use to adjust your personal/family risk, it is our hope that you will think not just about yourselves and your families, but how you can limit spread in your communities. Effective social distancing helps to protect your entire community. The following are all aggregated information on COVID-19 from Internal communications.

We will update this blog with additional communications and context as the situation progresses.



Emergency Service for COVID-19

Hotline: 021–5210411 / 081212123119 (Ext 9)

Contact this service if:

1. You experience symptoms of COVID-19

2. You recently visited a country or region with a high risk of coronavirus

3. You have made close contact with someone with Coronavirus

Official Information Center (SARS COVID-19)

Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19

Kementerian Kesehatan

World Health Organization


7. Fazz Financial Staff and Visitor Body Temperature Check (12 Mar 2020)

Hi Fazzmily!

The spread of COVID-19 has continued to increase in Indonesia since its first appearance on March 2, 2020. As a form of our commitment to safeguard employee safety and health, we will impose mandatory body temperature checks on all staff as well as visitors who enter the Fazz Financial office in Menara Prima 6th and 12th floors .

Body temperature checks will be carried out by Nadine Namaratasya and Rinjani Sadewi in the Fazz Financial entrance area. Staff or visitors who have a body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius are required to fill out the ‘Staff Health Form’ form available at the reception, and follow further information.

All staff are expected to enter the Fazz Financial work environment through the front door.

Thank You!

6. Company Contingency Plan for CoronaVirus Outbreak (6 Mar 2020)

Regarding email from Business Continuity Management, attached is Contingency Plan due Coronavirus outbreak into 4 (four) types of scenario. Please read carefully and stay safe!

Scenario #1: Precautious Stage

Scenario #2: Virus Spreads Increase or Confirmed patient from Office Vicinity

Scenario #3: 1 or More Staff Suspected to be Infected

Scenario #4: 1 or more Staff Confirmed Positive

5. Corona Virus Health Advisory (2 Mar 2020)


As seen on the news, there has been an official statement from our President regarding 2 people who were positively affected by the coronavirus. Therefore, we want to share some tips as preventive actions — to reduce the risk of contracting the virus:

● Wash your hands often with soap or use a hand sanitizer

● Use a face mask, especially if you are in a crowded area

● See a doctor immediately if you feel sick. Do not delay for several days (the virus usually incubates for several in the body before showing symptoms)

● Avoid business trips or personal traveling. If a business trip has to be carried out, please inform the respective Department Head first

● Consumption of vitamins, prepare hand sanitizers and face masks at home and in bags for personal use

● Do not panic! and be wise in receiving information (avoid hoax news). Check news from trusted sources,

Remember, don’t panic and keep it healthy!

Here are the steps to wash your hands properly:

Wash your hands FAZZMILY!

4. Sanitize, Wear Mask, Avoid Travelling! (12 Feb 2020)

Sanitize, Wear Mask, Avoid Travelling!


The spread of the corona virus continues. Therefore, here are some tips for prevention:

1. Avoid touching your face with dirty hands and diligently washing hands with soap. If hand washing is not available, you can use a hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol content.

2. Wear a mask, especially when outdoors activities. To remain sterile, disposable face masks should only be used once and max. 8 hours after being touched by the hand.

3. Avoid traveling to countries that have been affected by the corona virus such as China, Singapore, and so on. The Foreign Minister has issued travel restrictions for destinations to China and travel warnings for destinations to Singapore. If the travel plan cannot be postponed, please quarantine yourself for 1 week after returning to Indonesia (and work from home — with the approval of the reporting manager).

To help prevent these steps, hand sanitizers and face masks are available at several points on the 6th and 12th floors.

We got you covered FAZZMILY!

3. Be Careful on Your Way, Fazzmily! (6 Feb 2020)


Better to prevent than cure is a very appropriate action against Coronavirus. The reason is, even though there have been successful recovery, prevention measures in the form of extra caution are needed. If necessary avoid traveling to countries with a high number of infected (for example China, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia). If you can’t cancel the trip, make sure you can always be contacted and the respective Manager informed.

2. Fazzmily, Stay Healthy! (31 Jan 2020)


Coronavirus is still spreading to several countries. Although there is no identification that the Indonesian people have contracted the virus and Indonesia is still safe from coronavirus, preventive measures are strongly recommended.

1. Wash your hands often with soap. If the sink is not available, it can be temporarily replaced with a hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol content.

2. Avoid consuming raw foods and foods that are not common (rat meat, snakes, and so on).

3. Use a face mask when outside the room. Immediately visit a doctor if you feel unwell.

4. Reduce travel to countries affected by the virus. The Indonesian government has issued a travel warning to Hubei Province, China.

Face masks (earloop and headloop types), as well as hand sanitizers are being prepared and will be placed at several points on floors 6 & 12.

Stay Alert & Be Safe, FAZZMILY!

  1. Virus on the move (24 Jan 2020)


Have you heard about Novel Coronavirus? In short, it’s a virus that can be transmitted from animals to humans (if they consume the infected animal) and continue to be transmitted between humans. The virus causes heavy pneumonia, which may lead to death.

As per 24th January 2020, the Chinese National Health Commission reported that there have been 25 deaths from 830 coronavirus cases. Though it’s confirmed that the virus has not spread to Indonesia, the Ministry of Health took preventive action by limiting the number of travels to and from China as well as performing health screenings at the airports.

Please be cautious and take note of the symptoms as well as precautions, such as:

1. Use a mask when you’re outdoors (or when you’re sick).

2. Cover your mouth/nose when coughing or sneezing (using tissue).

3. Wash your hand (with soap) frequently.

4. Take vitamins! The virus will most likely go after those with low immunity.

5. Do not hesitate to visit the doctor if you encounter any symptoms.

