How to get Someone to Perform

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2020
Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar on Unsplash

Work is filled with so many different personalities and characteristics. Through a leader’s eyes, they can see the potential in their coworkers. As a leader they’re tasked to make sure that everyone in their team gives their best performance. It can be difficult to maintain, but with our essential article will definitely help bosses and leaders all around boost their team’s performance.

  1. Find the main culprit — It’s Tuesday afternoon, and you see one of your coworkers seems to be lagging and dragging through the day. First things first, before assuming the worst, ask them what’s wrong. Ask them why they are in a cruddy mood, and try to get to the root of the problem. If someone is having trouble completing their job, they could be devoting too much time to the project or maybe they’re waiting to hear from another coworker. Once you know what the issue is, you’ll know how to solve it together.
  2. Set clear expectations — It can be hard for your colleagues to deliver a project perfectly, if they’re unsure about the lead’s expectations. Set a benchmark or a target for your coworkers to aim for while working on a project or task. By showing what you’re expecting from them, they will be able work towards the goal easier.
  3. Distractions, be GONE! — Working in a casual and chilled setting has its perks, but it does come with a downside too. Since it’s a tight knit community, it makes it easier for other people to come in your office and ask you for favors. This is considered a distraction, and it can definitely affect your teammate’s performance. To fix this small problem, create a system for requesting favors. The system will help your teammates focus on work, but it will also give them the time to complete favors and requests accordingly.
  4. Break down big projects — You can’t swallow a whole slice of cake, right? That means you can’t expect your teammates to process a giant project all at once. Instead help them out to break down the project into smaller tasks. Find a time to plan out a strategy, so the project doesn’t give them nightmares. By breaking steps down, the tasks will be done properly too.
  5. Find your thing — Help them find their “thing” or their skill. Work with them to figure out their talents. Go through different projects together to find out how they work best. Once you figure that out what works for a certain individual, it makes it easier to delegate tasks to boost everyone’s performance.

Keep in mind that everyone works at their own pace. Take time to be patient and understand your teammates. In order to maintain a healthy and productive performance leaders and coworkers must work together. Now it’s your turn to help your team to become top performers!

