How to Pass your Probation Period

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2020

As soon as you sign your contract, and step into your new office you’ll be heading towards a new journey. However, before you get all excited and settle in — keep in mind you’re still on a trial run. Think of it as the free trial you sign up for before committing to a full time subscription. There are tricks and habits you can learn to ensure that you’ll pass your probation period with flying colors.

  1. First impressions matter — Show some enthusiasm, and spread positive vibes at work. You can also take the time to dress smartly too. This will show your boss and coworkers that you take your job and yourself seriously. You can also avoid tardiness or absences, this habit sticks out like a sore thumb — it shows that you have great manners if you come on time.
  2. Measure your progress — Read and understand your job description on your first day. This will help you to shed light on what will be expected from you during your probation. After that, you’ll set yourself some SMART goals to help you focus on your objectives you need to achieve. Another thing you can do to help track your progress is to keep a journal or an Excel sheet, so at your probation review you can show your boss all the work you’ve completed.
  3. Build a network — Having a strong bond with people at work will increase your chances of being noticed. Having connections will make it easier for you to collaborate and share knowledge. Being friendly and open with people can affect your probation, because your boss needs to know if you can jump out of your comfort zone for the sake of the job. Start out small by greeting people “good morning”, or saying “hi” when you pass someone in the halls.
  4. Staying on your A game — Your probation period can take a toll on you, so take time to take care of yourself. Take breaks and maintain a good work life balance to avoid a burnout. No one wants to see you fail, so have confidence in your skills and abilities.

At PAYFAZZ we have a 3 month probation period, and during that window of time your leaders will get to see what you’re made of. We want every new FAZZMILY member to immerse themselves with work and grow. It’s a leader’s greatest achievement to be able to see you pass your probation. Take this period as a time to learn more about the company and culture of your workplace, and you’ll definitely excel!

