I am Malala — the story of the girl who stood up for education

Belle Vianco
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Growing up I was surrounded by books written by wise and kind people. It was as if I lived in two different worlds, since the stories I read completely immersed and blended into myself. However, there was one book that stood out to me, like a stain on a white dress — that book is I am Malala.

Besides the numerous themes that are splattered throughout her biography, such as: women’s rights, education, Islamic culture, and the significance of role models. These themes intertwine to tell the readers Malala’s unique perspectives, and to educate the readers as well.

This book left such an impression on me that I don’t even know where to begin to explain Malala’s astonishing story about standing up for education.

If you haven’t heard about Malala Yousafzai here’s the 411: She is Pakistani female activist, and when she was 15 years old she was shot in the head because she bravely stood up for education. As a result of her bravery and her determination to fight the right for education in 2014 she became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

Throughout her book as she paints a picture of her life in Swat Valley, she never mentions hatred or anger towards the Taliban or the men that oppress the women in their country. It amazes me how she embodies peace so well. Because by seeking revenge and fighting back with violence, then we just be like them (Yousafzai 6). Instead of declaring war, she is determined to find a way to resolve conflict through education (Yousafzai 127). However, her determination scared people — especially the Taliban. They saw her as a threat, so they shot her. Her family were trapped in a living nightmare, and they felt hopeless. Her father blamed himself for this tragedy, but that’s not how Malala saw it. Instead of cowering in fear, or filling herself with bitterness she worked hard to recover, so she can achieve her dreams.

Malala’s story is more than just education and freedom, it’s about how courageous and bold she is to achieve her dreams. Though I have to admit her goals are quite big, your goal doesn’t need to be as huge as hers, however your grittiness and courage should be just as big.

That is why I believe, I am Malala is the perfect book for everyone. It’s informative, intriguing, and all together a great read. It will inspire you to continue dreaming about your goals and push you to do things you wouldn’t usually do. I give this book 5 stars, and I think you should too.

