Overworking is Overrated

Belle Vianco
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2020

Living in a super fast paced life we hardly make time for ourselves, because we are terrified of being left behind. We work harder to earn more money, more friends, more knowledge, just more. We live for more, since it’s what’s demanded of us.

That’s why we need to stop glorifying the “overworking” and the toxic “hustle” lifestyle. There’s nothing glamorous or fantastic about sleep deprivation, unhealthy diets, lack of relaxation, and lack of exercise. The world is intoxicated to think that working yourself to death is a great thing, because the hard work will pay off — yet if you’re always working when you do you get to enjoy your life?

The technology that we have now is making it extremely easy for us to work. In less than a second you can send messages, you can set up online meetings, or you can find research papers. Literally, you can do anything. On the other hand, the technology that allows us to work efficiently can also be the cause of our unhealthiness and unhappiness. Because we are constantly plugged to our devices, it’s hard to not be at your work’s beck and call. It’s understandable to work long hours when there is a project to complete, but when you’re routinely staying up late to finish your tasks or project that’s a sign of chronic overwork which can negatively impact your life.

I personally used to feel insecure and uncomfortable if I didn’t have a full schedule, and I envied people with thick color coded agendas because I thought that was the ideal life to strive for. Instead of feeling victorious about my incredibly busy life, I felt more anxious and despondent. I felt like a unanchored boat in the middle of a storm — I lost sight of my goals and my life.

Chaining yourself to your career won’t make you better than your competitors, it actually will make you less competent. When you’re overwhelmed with stress and sleep deprived you won’t get a lot of work completed, you’ll lose your creativity, and you’ll fall into bad habits.

  • Pile of uncompleted tasks: Employees who are having trouble communicating with their peers, making mistakes on their tasks, or are indecisive are usually facing the ugly truth of the “hustle” life. Unfortunately, some employees might injure themselves because they are too exhausted and overworked.
  • Lacking Creativity: Good sleep is the key ingredient for a creative brain. When you’re running on 2 hours of sleep and your stress levels are high you won’t be able to be creative at work. Most of the time, the greatest ideas come to you when you’re relaxed and well rested.
  • Unhealthy habits: When work is the constant thing on your mind your health, mental state, and relationships goes out the window.

Now you can see how the hustle and overworking lifestyle is poisonous. When you’re constantly moving forward, you forget your limits. Humans are made with a limit for a reason. While “hustle” is good to an extent, humans always find a way to stretch its boundaries. As a result we harm ourselves by trying to do what we think is best. Before you find yourself sucked into the chronic overworking life, anchor yourself to something meaningful. It could be a hobby, your friends, or family. By tying yourself down you are creating boundaries to keep you safe from toxic lifestyles.

