The Yellow Brick Road to Your Purpose: The Little Book of Ikigai by Ken Mogi

Belle Vianco
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020
Source: Google

“Ask yourself this: What are the small things in the swamp of your mind that will carry you through a difficult patch? These are perhaps the elements you want to focus on and keep very present in your mind.”

A long and happy life is the end goal for most people, that’s why we are constantly looking for something that can lead us to a blissful and comfortable life; because I’m certain that a person wouldn’t want to live an agonizing life.

This book revolves around the Japanese term: Ikigai. It’s a Japanese phenomenon that is described as “your reason to get up in the morning”, and that reason doesn’t necessarily mean something grand. It could be something as simple as making yourself a lovely breakfast or taking your pets out for a walk, yet it can also be a deep sentiment: healthy life, happy family, or a fulfilling career.

Yet as simple as it sounds, it takes effort to achieve “Ikigai”. There are 4 pillars that are the key to “ikigai”:

  • Pillar 1- Starting small: The first pillar is all about focusing on the smaller details. For example, when you find something you enjoy doing, you do your best to do it very well. You’re giving it your all.
  • Pillar 2 - Releasing yourself: This pillar is about accepting yourself and allowing yourself to be more open to other people. Releasing yourself is also a step you need to take in order to be a happier person.
  • Pillar 3 - Harmony and sustainability: The third pillar is understanding that permanence of anything in life includes relying on others and getting along with others. Think of it as the bridge between you and your life’s purpose.
  • Pillar 4 - The joy of little things: The fourth pillar is a reminder for you to stop and smell and the roses. Take time out of your hectic day to appreciate the things surrounding you.
  • Pillar 5 - Being in the here and now: The final pillar is understanding that living in the moment is essential to understanding ikigai.

Throughout the book the author, Ken Mogi, weaves in each pillar in stories about Japan that breaks down how “ikigai” is deeply rooted in the Japanese way of living, and he vividly describes how the 5 pillars can be applied to our daily lives. Mogi wants to show his readers how adapting “ikigai” can truly change a person. It’s more than just finding happiness instead it’s about creating your own joy and happiness.

The Little Book of Ikigai is a short yet inspirational book that motivates the reader to build a better life. It’s such a short read that you could probably finish it during the weekend, so if you intend to turn your life around, this is the perfect book for you. It’s not a cliche self-help book that promises you a perfect life with rainbow and daisies — it’s transparent and useful. It will help you gain a better perspective in life, and push you to aim for a brighter future.

