Work from Home: One Step Away from COVID-19, but one step closer to another thing?

Belle Vianco
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2020

How long has it been since we started working from home? I bet you lost count already. Since we are staying at home to be safe and healthy, most of us are probably moving around less than we used to. Being immobile in front of your laptop screen or television screen is comfortable, but by sitting still like a potato you’re straining yourself, especially your hands and wrists.

Did any of you experience stiffness on your finger or hand after working all day at home? And each time after you ‘crack’ that part it felt so nice yet satisfying? Or maybe you feel numbness on your hand, thinking it’s only a regular thing, and will go away once you shake it. Well, it might seem regular but you will not know if it’s the early sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Other health problems such as autoimmune diseases, may contribute to CTS, but the majority is caused by applying too much pressure, or repetitive action on your hand, including wrist and fingers which causes your nerves to get squeezed. It might sound like any regular sprain or cramp, but it’s actually bigger than that. The problem is, it can’t be healed by any traditional massage or acupuncture, and you won’t even know you’re having CTS until it gets worse and needs surgery.

To put it in simpler terms, there is one vital nerve on our body called the median nerve and it connects your shoulder all the way to your fingers (thumb, index, and middle finger). When the median nerve is compressed it can cause stiffness, tingling, numbness, soreness, pain, and weakness in the hand or arm. The symptoms might be different for every person. Some people might feel pain, but there are some who only get numbness or stiffness.

CTS can heal by itself if we are aware of it since its earlier stages. There are stretches and exercises that can help prevent this stiffening issue, and even helps to keep you away from CTS.

  1. Spider push ups - Start with your hands together in the prayer position.Spread your fingers apart as far you can, then “steeple” the fingers by separating palms of hands, but keeping your fingers together.
  2. Shake it off - Shake your hands like you’ve just washed them and are trying to air dry them. Just shake your hands for a minute every hour.
Move your fingers!

Instead of the helpful stretches, it would be great if you change your lifestyle a bit too.

  1. Minimize repetitive hand movements
  2. Let your hand a rest, and keep your wrist straight while you juggling between different works
  3. Avoid holding on to an object the same way for too long (put the darn phone down. Yes, using your phone for too long can also cause CTS starting from your thumb. Go talk to your family, or say some good words to yourself in front of the mirror )
  4. While you’re working, adjust your desk, chair, and keyboard so that your forearms are level with your work surface
  5. If you’re experiencing repetitive stiffness or numbness, do not hesitate to see the doctor. Online consultation can be accessed easily, so no excuses.
  6. Last but most importantly — exercise. A proper exercise will help you to be healthier in many ways. There’s no better time to cast those WFH fats away than now

If you’re willing to go all the way to prevent any physical pain in the future, we will also list a few products to help you:

  1. Wrist brace - it will be super effective to help reduce all kind of wrist pains, not heartache though
  2. Mouse cushion - this plushy companion will elevate your hands to the right position
  3. Laptop stand - this laptop stand will definitely prop you up in the best way possible.

If you have thoroughly read this article, then now you’ll know how to reduce your chances of getting CTS.

