Tweriod: a review

FBDA/GROUP discovered and tried Tweriod, an interesting tool for social media management

FBDA / GROUP for you #fbdaconsulting


To post or not to post? That’s the question every social media and community manager keeps asking himself when it comes to planning the publishing of the posts on each social network.
You curate the content, do your research, exercise your creativity but then you are not always sure about WHEN your post should be published to get the best results, in terms of ROI.
I recently discovered a useful tool that I tried for FBDA/GROUP: it’s called Tweriod and you can find it at

Tweriod is a free tool that helps you make the most of Twitter by letting you know the best time to tweet.

The process requires 3 easy steps and not so much time (a couple of hours, depending on how many followers you have):

  1. You sign in with your Twitter account
  2. Tweriod automatically analizes your data
  3. You receive a report, via Direct Message or email

Here’s an example of the report Tweriod produced for my blog’s Twitter account: in this case, during the weekend Tweriod suggests me to tweet at 1 pm and indicates that tweeting after 9 pm represents a waste of effort.

As you can see, the analytics provided are enough detailed.
You have a general overview of what you’re doing good and what you could improve, and then details about hourly graphs and also replies.
I found the possibility to confront weekdays and weekends useful and clever , and I appreciated the fact that the graphs are clear, simple and easy to understand.

In the picture above, you can see an example of the hourly graphs.

Now it’s up to you: what are your favourite tools to improve your social media publishing?

Mara Dalmazzo

This blog is written by the members of the FBDA / GROUP team. Learn more on



FBDA / GROUP for you #fbdaconsulting

FBDA is a multidisciplinary team, working in consultancy and education. We employ the Visual Connexion innovative method.