My React workshop experience in a nutshell

Ololade Dammie
Facebook Developer Circles Lagos
3 min readOct 11, 2018

React is one javascript library that I had always wanted to learn — Apart from it being a cool library and a Facebook tool.

React Workshop

I was part of the one-time #30DaysofReact challenge on Facebook, which gave me basic exposure to React.js. It was fun, and it made me want to delve all in. When I saw the banner for the React Workshop on the DevC Lagos Group, I registered immediately. Good enough for me, I received a confirmation email.

The workshop held for four Saturdays in September, and I attened all the way to the last day. I am a Front-end developer and the React workshop has been beneficial to me, as I have been able to master React and Redux, which were the core of the workshop.

Oluwasinmisola Akinlere, facilatator at the React Workshop.
Timi Aieyemo, facilatator at the React Workshop.

Some of what I was exposed to at the React Workshop are:

  1. Redux: A React state management library ( I was able to use Redux to manage the states that would normally be in my React components and more of that — It made working with React very easy and less mind bugging.)
  2. Network: Apart from the knowledge gained during the workshop, I got to meet other developers working with this React. This made me even more excited and interested in exploring the awesomeness of JavaScript, so I started Node.js for back-end and it has been a joyful ride… so now I guess it’s roughly safe to call myself a full stack developer, lol.

Project I am now working on

I have been able to use the knowledge gained at the workshop, on a project I am currently working on with my team, for the CodeLagos Hackathon — It’s a platform that connects busy professionals with available individuals who can help them run their tasks for a simple fee, it’s like an Uber for getting tasks done (sounds cliche?…Yeah, I know).

My humble self

Miss a DevC Meetup? No way!

The Facebook Developer Community Lagos has been very proactive in making sure people on the platform get value from the workshops and meetups organized: Design workshops, AI masterclass, writing workshop, and the rest.

No time to waste, I have registered for the React Summit too! I don’t want to be told how awesome it was, I like to see things for myself, lol.

I have heard some persons say that being a part of the Facebook Developer Circle makes one restricted to only Facebook developer tools, but I tell them that’s not true — Anybody with any-stack is welcome to the family.

Finally, I want to appreciate the entire Facebook Developer Circles Lagos team for their relentless effort. You guys rock…like for real mehn!

Thank you.

