Is Flutter The Future Of Web

Talha Zahid Qazi
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2022

Websites these days require the use of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. This concept should not be new, but if I were to ask you to create a website without using these three technologies, it would probably ask you some questions about what transpired during that process!

There are many competitors in this space. From Flash and Silverlight to JavaScript frameworks like backbone or AngularJS — they’ve all tried their best, with each only lasting a short while before being replaced by another technology that was better suited for particular use cases.

How Is Flutter Any Better?

With an HTML webpage, you deal with the page as if it were just one extensive document. In Flutter, though, “pages” or what users interact within are drawn on a Canvas. That means everything from how fonts look to where colors come into play has been rethought for this unique context! This means that code can control every pixel instead of JavaScript or CSS, as most websites do nowadays!

It sounds pretty surprising, no HTML, instead draw on the canvas, and the code will compile itself in the background. Let’s explore this new concept of drawing into a canvas.

Drag and Drop instead of Documents

If you have used Figma or Adobe Xd, it would be easier to understand. Making the user scroll horizontally in Flutter is just putting together some widgets, and you are done. As simple as Drag and Drop.

Since Flutter is more of a visual framework, it allows developers to focus on the visuals instead of worrying about the code and pixels the developer used to put in the HTML.

Sticking with one language

You usually use HTML as your markup language, CSS as your styling syntax, and JavaScript as your programming language. However, this can be done in a single language when working with Flutter.

The Flutter framework uses Dart as its programming language, and all of the application’s looks, feel & business logic are written in it. Along with static type, checking comes null safety soon, so every line you code for your app, no matter if used to describe styles visually give or control how things work, can be thoroughly checked before running through build servers which means more minor bugs!

More accessible to layout your app

The best feature about Flutter is creating your layouts using either a row or column that has children properties. When thinking about it, most people want their arrays in rows (side by side) and not columns because they take up less space overall when printed out on paper — but there’s no need to worry if this doesn’t suit what design ideas. Are being implemented! You’ll still have plenty of room for creativity with individual styling throughout each item within the list while keeping result quality intact through scaffolding techniques built right into the platform itself.

Control over every pixel in the viewport

The beauty of Flutter is that it renders every pixel to the screen, giving developers and designers a great deal more control over what their app or experience looks like from one end to another. It’s not fast enough for today’s standards, but things such as GPU accelerated canvases will take some time before we see any significant improvement in performance with this particular technology. Flutter is a great framework to design mobile-first and keep your work looking good across all devices. With Flutter, you don’t have to worry about creating separately for desktop browsers or iOs because it’ll adjust automatically — without sacrificing quality!

Goodbye, webpack!

Building a Flutter App for the web doesn’t require anything from Webpack since it does not need to reflect on these platforms — making this case very strong by itself (in my mind).

But We’re Not Quite There Yet

With the recent developments in web development, it has become necessary for Flutter websites to have server-side rendering (SSR) so that search engines can scrape them and SEO them better. This will ultimately affect how people find information on your site — the content is no longer interpretable only by humans but also machines!

A solution seems unlikely because of ongoing discussions about this issue among browser developers; however, there are ways around having complete control over all pages if you’re willing to sacrifice some accuracy when ranking them based on different keywords used throughout each webpage.

Drawing on the canvas has some performance implications, but these aren’t as bad as you think. It is a test app that makes heavy visual effects, and it runs at near 60fps on MacBook! Even when dragging over sheets in different places, there is still plenty of space to optimize further. That could be done by improving drawing techniques or making smart decisions while loading webpages with content — both before they become active elements (elements) and during their initial load time afterward, if possible.

The Flutter framework has been in development for less than two years, but it already provides an incredible amount of performance and features.

Imagine a website that would load faster and have better SEO, all because you made one with server-side rendering.

You could create an app without using webpack or any other module bundler — how cool will this be? With just HTML + CSS+JS, it seems like there are no limits on what can happen!

