What Is Dart?

Talha Zahid Qazi
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2022

Introductory notes on Dart and Flutter

What Is Dart?

An open-source programming language developed by Google. It allows developers to use an object-oriented language with static type analysis. It was first released in 2011, and since then, it has evolved in itself and its primary goals. After the arrival of version 2.0 of the language, Flutter (which will be explained later) has been its prime focus.

What makes Dart special?

Unlike many other programming languages, Dart is designed to make development fast and easy. It comes equipped with a relatively extensive set of tools such as its package manager, making updates seamless for developers. It has various compilers/transpilers that allow you to compile your code into different formats to be run on any device without changing anything except where they’re stored (on disk) etc. All this goodness wrapped up in the Just-in-Time build process means changes made will become executable immediately — talk about convenience!

The code compiles in the native language during production which means, no particular environment is needed like different languages for front and backend.

Dart has a similar syntax to other languages, like JavaScript and Java. Learning Dart is as easy if you know one of these others! In addition, it offers excellent support for asynchronous programming that makes working with generators super simple.

Where can I use Dart?

You can use dart for almost anything is a general-purpose language:

  • In web applications, you can use the dart library Html and the transpiler to transform the Dart code into javascript or using frameworks like AngularDart.
  • On servers, you can use the dart HTTP and dart io libraries. Frameworks like Aqueduct can also be used when working with servers.
  • In mobile applications, thanks to Flutter.


Flutter is an easy-to-use framework that allows you to create cross-platform applications with just one code. Developers use multiple codes for each app while working for multiplatform frameworks, such as Ionic or React Native. Because of multiple codes, they are compiled in Native language, making them slower than those developers working in JavaScript. Flutter enables users to publish their apps on both Android and iOS and come up looking across all operating system versions no matter what device happens upon it! This means less time spent designing your user interface, consistent throughout every platform.

The fantastic thing about this technology? You don’t have to be a developer, rather a designer.

Besides mobile applications, Flutter can also make web and desktop applications. It is used in the beta version for web applications, and the desktop is currently in the development phase.

Some applications that have been developed using Flutter are:

  • Google Ads
  • AppTree
  • Reflect
  • inLapp Coffee
  • SSHButtons

Here are some of the resources where you can get to know a lot better about Dart and Flutter:

  • The Dart webpage offers a wealth of information, including language documentation and various tutorials. One beneficial resource is the Language Tour, which introduces the syntax for newbies like myself!
  • Dartpad allows you to experiment on the browser without installing anything on the device.
  • Community packages can be found on the webpage of the packets repository.
  • Pages of Dart and Flutter on Medium.
  • Learn to start using Flutter by going to its website.
  • Flutter’s Youtube Channel has extensive videos on how to start using Flutter.

