Some Documentaries

Documentary might just have to be one of my favourite forms of film. Its not just because its real (most of the time), its something more than that. My favourite documentaries are ones that I watch on repeat, they’re the ones that I find truely immersive, the ones that refuse to let go and shift your perception of everything that you know. Those aren’t the films im going to be sharing here…or maybe some of them are ☺.

Being someone who tinkers with code most of the day (and night), its great when there is a documentary that in some way I relate to, so below is a list/links to some well-worth watching documentaries about programming/programmers/code-tinkerers.

Part of the Moon Machines series, this look at the navigation computer is fascinating. Rope Memory anyone? (the other parts are worth watching)

A documentary about Netscape and the birth of Mozilla. All footage was also released openly for people to mix their own version of the film.

A film following the trials of The Pirate Bay founders.

A insight into the worlds largest Hacker conference.

The Story of Aaron Schwartz, programming prodigy and activist.

Enjoy ;)

Shaun can usually be found not fixing bugs.



Shaun D
Fear and Coding

💻 Freelance creative tech. 🚀 Rocket Man.🥋BJJ White Belt Noob.