
Kaitlyn Kunzler
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2019

In life you will get knocked down, have setbacks, and you will fail, but do you have what it takes to brush it off, get back up and keep pushing toward what you are trying to achieve?

Angela Duckworth psychologist and a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, defines her theory of grit as “passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way” and “as a predictor of success”, in her Ted Talk in April of 2013.

“passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way”

Angela’s Ted Talk focuses on the role of grit in student success and her grit scale that her and her team developed.

In this Ted Talk, I learned about what it means to have determination and perseverance, that IQ and talent aren’t the only characteristics in determining success in life and finally I learned and how to foster grit, you have to be willing and understand that failure is apart of life and push past the struggle.

Personally, what I like best about this Ted Talk is that at the time this concept of grit and success wasn’t researched or as widely known as it is five years later and how she has written a book on her theory and really shown her grit.

I think people or more specifically students should watch this because I think it would be beneficial for students who are struggling to reach their ambitions in life.

