What Will The Education Industry Be Like In The Coming Years

Robin Waite
Fearless Business
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2021


The development of technology is present in many daily activities. This science has made our everyday lives much more comfortable than before, which means that the service has improved. 21st-century technology offers more and better health, more communication forms, greater ease in business activities, and now a more efficient education system!

How has technology impacted education? This article will analyse the five most exciting projections of technology for the education industry in the coming years.

1. More Efficient Learning Systems

One of the main goals of technology for humanity is the creation of smarter people. Knowledge is the best tool to overcome adversity, so creating systems that facilitate student learning is an important goal.

Is it possible to get people to learn more about technology? Yes. These goals have helped schools and universities improve student achievement. One of the main advantages is the use of the Internet, which has an almost infinite number of subjects to study, and which complements traditional classes: the Internet is a home school. According to Statista, approximately 313 million Americans have access to the Internet. An achievement of technology for information, connection, and education.

2. The Mental Well-Being of Students and Teachers

Many people ignore stress levels during educational sessions. It is interesting to observe how an activity like studying can become a strain on the mind, leading to other future complications.

Taking these cases into account, technology has allowed us to dream of healthier studies for the mind. One of these initiatives was carried out by the teacher and psychologist Zoë Ross. Through an app like Mind Moose, teachers and students can learn about mental health and brain exhaustion complications. Besides that, this software allows analysing the average behaviour of the brain during periods of study.

3. Professional Remote Education

Another important goal of education and technology is to achieve quality education for the future without the need to leave home. Years ago, it was impossible to believe that you could get a job in a significant company without studying at university, much less if your academic level were just a web course. But right now, the reality has changed a lot.

E-learning, until a few years ago, could not be equated with university education. Now, the tech industry’s massive investment in distance learning has shown that argument to be false. This study method continues to attract thousands upon thousands of students each year through the optimization of online class platforms. For example, according to Career Karma, General Assembly’s coding bootcamp in Singapore has sent more than 300 graduates to companies like Google and Microsoft. In an optimistic scenario, e-learning will offer more opportunities for the world’s graduates.

4. Automation and Data Processing

Large schools and universities in the United States are highly supported by technology for administration. Data processing is one of the most useful and necessary strategies for all activities related to information storage.

The technology trend in this area will allow the creation of more and better data systems that organize information such as names of each student, academic history, information about their health, performance in other areas, and much more. This technology also helps schools become more automated, reducing time spent on bureaucratic activities. Besides, this data’s scope will easily reach the students to corroborate their academic profile.

5. Personalized and Collaborative Education

For the next few years, there will be a better development in terms of academic support for students. The Internet currently offers many help methods to support knowledge; also, personalized tutors allow a better understanding of the topics.

On the other hand, collaborative education is also an excellent point to accumulate more support in classes. It is easier to create workgroups and meetings related to the school through digital platforms, social networks, and apps. Collective support is part of all students’ trajectory, and this is a project that technology wants to assume for the coming years.


No time before was better to start studying than now. The tech industry and the future of education is quite interesting if we analyse what the new proposals are. It is not just about getting people to know more about it; it is also about spreading education to all parts of the world-more efficient and easily accessible education.

Originally published at https://www.robinwaite.com.

