5 Annoying Remarks Dark-Skinned Black Women Are Tired Of Hearing

The overt display of gaslighting

Petiri Ira
Fearless She Wrote


Picture of Black woman standing in front of window.
Photo by lucas da miranda from Pexels

The fact of the matter is, dark-skinned Black women face colourism like no other. ‘‘ You're just jealous of light-skinned women" and ‘‘You're just insecure'', are two examples of colourist rebuttals that are uttered to us daily.

Gaslighting is defined as an attempt to make (someone) believe that he or she is going insane (as by subjecting that person to a series of experiences that have no rational explanation).

Keeping that in mind, we can think of our skin being turned into a weapon, one that is used against us in situations where society doesn't see eye to eye with us. Almost as if, our skin is used as a reason to disagree with us as a means of rationale.

Here are a few examples of common rebuttals that are used against us, dark-skinned Black women.

1. You're just insecure

No, we aren't insecure. Western standards have lead you to believe that we should be insecure. The fact that you think there is something for us to be insecure about indicates that you think, there is something for us to be insecure about. This statement is greatly telling of how featurism and colourism influence our minds on our perceptions of beauty.



Petiri Ira
Fearless She Wrote

Bylines in Screenshot Media, gal-dem, Malalafund, Momentum, ZORA. Contact: petiriira@gmail.com