5 (Toxic) Wedding Traditions I Am Skipping on My Day

See you later, garter toss.

Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote


There’s a good chance I will be engaged this year.

I say this because my boyfriend and I have had multiple conversations about this and he recently told me that he’s “ready to get the ball rolling.” I picked a ring. I got my vaccine.

Life is finally starting to open back up for me.

So, I am trying to visualize the wedding that I want.

And before I can get to what I want for myself, my mind starts reeling with all the things that I don’t want for my wedding.

Turns out, there’s a lot.

These are outdated ideas and/or traditions that are not getting an invitation to my wedding.

I am not going to starve myself to fit in my dress.

How many times do you hear a woman describe her wedding day as, “That’s the skinniest I ever was.” Too often.

I’ve watched friends crash diet. I’ve watched them hire trainers. I’ve watched them exercise and green juice their way to exhaustion.

And what is all this body punishing doing for them?



Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture. https://linktr.ee/authorgigilove