5 Ways My Father’s Infidelity Still Affects My Life

K.L. Rivera
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
7 min readSep 2, 2019


Photo by Ellieelien on Unsplash

When my sister and I were little, as soon as we heard his keys rattle the lock, we would run to meet our father at the door. We cheered and jumped into his arms. He later told us that he made sure to shake his keys extra hard so that we could hear him coming.

What he didn’t know, was that on the nights he didn’t come home, we knew something was wrong, we felt alone, we felt scared, and we felt unsafe.

My father is the funniest man I know. He’s always smiling, ready to serve up a well-timed joke, ready to make the saddest person in the room laugh. We laugh a lot when we are together.

He’s the life of every party.

He’s also a serial cheater.

Photo by Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

My father has never been faithful to a woman. Not to my mother, not to his mistress, not to the mistress to his mistress…you see where I’m going with this?

My father makes no secret of his cheating. He shrugs it off. He never really hid it from us. The cheating was blatant. It was as much a part of our childhood as school was. If he…



K.L. Rivera
Fearless She Wrote

I write about my life. I write stories. I write poetry. I write for work. I write and write because it makes me happy. Read me here too klrivera.com