6 Thoughts Women Have When Crying In Front of Men

“I’m sorry for bothering you with my emotions.”

Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

The older I get, the more that I realize men don’t know how to handle a crying woman.

The other night, I was crying while taking down Christmas decorations and my boyfriend was hovering around me, totally lost about what to do. He held me for a while, then after, he kind of wandered around the house before eventually hiding.

This is not the first time a man has been confused about my emotions.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not hating on men here. Part of this struggle is how they’re wired. Part of this is because they were shamed out of their own tears for their whole life. And, every now and then, it can be because he’s a jerk.

Here are a few things that can and usually do go through women’s minds when they are crying in front of men.

“You don’t need to fix this.”

This is my primary thought as he’s trying to offer me food or alcohol or basically anything except for what I really need: for him to just stop. Please, just stop trying to fix this.

When you try to solutionize women out of their tears, you make us…



Gigi Love
Fearless She Wrote

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture. https://linktr.ee/authorgigilove