7 Lessons I’ll Teach My Son About Masculinity

If women want to change the patriarchy, they have to become better mothers

Denisa Cerna
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Arina Krasnikova from Pexels

In today’s world, men can be both villains and victims of the patriarchy — although we refuse to admit that sometimes.

Personally, feminism isn’t only about fighting for women’s rights. It’s about making all areas of life equal for all genders. And men’s issues ultimately count toward that, too.

So let’s talk about some of them.

A part of striving to live in a better world lies in raising our children in a way that will eventually make this planet a better place. If I ever have a son, there are things I’m going to teach him that many men have never been taught, which is why they carry so many unhealthy behavioural patterns within them.

Good men are often embarrassed to be men nowadays.

Their gender carries so many bad connotations with it that it’s sometimes difficult to find that healthy spot where a man is proud of his masculinity without being toxic, violent or feeling guilty.

If we want to achieve gender equality, we need to try to raise men who are proud of their gender in the best way possible. Our sons need to be men who love healthy masculinity and don’t fall for the toxic traps that…



Denisa Cerna
Fearless She Wrote

Freelance writer & bookworm writing on self-development, psychology, relationships, and more.