7 Ways To Achieve Stillness & Connect To Your Femininity

Especially if you have a hard time sitting still.

Nadège, sex scholar
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2021


Photo by RF._.studio.

I’m a hyperactive, creative woman which makes it hard for me to achieve stillness. (Hey Headspace, I’m still on lesson one!) When I began understanding the benefits of tranquillity, I desperately tried meditation any way I could, only to find that normative styles of meditation weren’t working for me.

I realized that I needed activities with “meditative rhythms” to ease me into a habit of stillness. Everything is a muscle, and working out new muscles can be easy for one person and cumbersome for another.

Being an infant to stillness inspired me to think outside the box. I found that when I weaved feminine rituals into my stillness education, I was inspired to quiet my mind. Now, I have seven go-to activities that train me to be still while connecting me to my femininity.

#1 Play Dress-Up

Why did we stop doing this when we became adults? Ah yes, because now we dress up for weddings, a night out, and countless other events — but when was the last time you dressed up for your eyes only?

Playing dress-up is a method of achieving stillness that I discovered in quarantine. I quickly started missing my nights on the town, but what I…



Nadège, sex scholar
Fearless She Wrote

Sex scholar & bestselling author featured in Cosmo, Women's Health, & The History Channel. Learn what your natural sex strengths are → PleasureScience.com