Andrea Arnold is a Soldier in the War About Stories

Why We All Should Be Paying Attention to Andrea Arnold’s Experience Directing “Big Little Lies 2”

Jamie Lou
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash

Until the lions have their own storyteller, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. ~ African Proverb

When I read the articles in Indie Wire and Vox about Andrea Arnold’s experience directing Season 2 of “Big Little Lies,” I wasn’t surprised. Two men used a critically acclaimed, Academy Award-winning director as a placeholder for her male predecessor until he returned from working on another show. They dangled the carrot of creative control in front of her and then when she wasn’t looking, replaced it with a stick of dynamite which blew up in her face. They took away her creative freedom. They removed all traces of her in the editing room. And they lied to her about all of it from the beginning.

Rebecca Solnit started the conversation on “mansplaining” in her book, “Men Explain Things to Me.” She details her experience about a man interrupting her as she was talking about a book she wrote. He went on to tell her all about this new book he heard of on the same subject. In reality, he was telling Rebecca about her own book. He read a review in the New York Times and felt qualified to explain it to her, the actual expert and author of…



Jamie Lou
Fearless She Wrote

Founder: How She Shines Ghostwriter | Book Editor | Screenwriter | Filmmaker | Satire | Instagram: @jamieloustoryteller