Are We All Schrodinger’s Women?

Simultaneously perceived as goddess and garbage based on our response to an entitled man’s advances.

Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Asal Mshk on Unsplash

We all know that catcalls of Hey, beautiful, can turn into Didn’t like you anyway, in a heartbeat, if we choose to ignore the attention from an entitled man; their opinions of us can turn on a knife-edge if we don’t give them what they want. Smile honey, it might never happen — it’s a coded threat that all women recognize for what it is. What we really hear is — act compliant and look pretty, or I’m gonna turn nasty.

We all exist in superposition like Schrodinger’s woman; simultaneously perceived as a goddess or garbage depending on our response to a man’s advances.

I noticed an article by Jessica Wildfire that gained a lot of attention recently. It was penned in response to Sarah Everard’s murder and stirred up a lot of emotions. She detailed a harrowing story of a woman’s experience of harassment and unwanted pursuit by a man during a plane journey.

As Jessica said, women “…want to be left alone, just like men get to be left alone when they’re going about their day.” We just want to be free from harassment and fear.

I wrote a comment in praise and agreement with what Jessica was saying, that this is every woman’s…



Rosalind Pagan
Fearless She Wrote

Feminist, mother, word nerd, worrier, warrior, thinker.