Being Called a Privileged White Karen on Twitter

By an even more privileged white man — let’s chat about that.

Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote


Let’s get clear on something real quick:

As far as women in the world go, I am undeniably about the most privileged, short of a small percentage of white women millionaires and celebrities.

And that fact is not uncomfortable for me to admit.

It’s reality, and I recognize that there are many ways that I socially and culturally benefit in the world simply because of where I live, and the colour of my skin.

And you know what? That’s f*cked up and entirely unjust.

There is nothing innately special about me, and I fully believe that my sister from the other side of the world, or the other side of the country, living in a less profitable community than me should have as much access to opportunities and overall wellbeing as I do.

When the world is more equal, we all win.

Social media is a cesspool for inequality of all kinds.

Two days ago I, a privileged white woman, called out even more privileged individuals than myself — again.



Gillian Sisley
Fearless She Wrote

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨