Calling All ‘Nice’ White People

Time to wipe that awkward grin off our faces and get to work on ourselves

Gina Gallois
Fearless She Wrote


“Nice” white lady. Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels

While aimlessly scrolling on social media the other day, I came upon this quote from Allison Fallon in her article “Why I Quit Being Nice.” Though Fallon wasn’t writing specifically about acting against racism, she was reflecting on her own complicity through inaction when she witnessed her friends treating another girl badly. She was a “nice” person but discovered that niceness is a trap. Nice is a static state of being, not an action.

Niceness stays quiet. Kindness speaks up.

Niceness is toxic. Kindness is healing.

Niceness lies to keep the peace. Kindness knows the only way to make peace is to tell the truth.

Niceness holds back. Kindness moves forward with humility, gentleness and grace. — Allison Fallon

I’m not racist, but…

Nobody wants to be racist, but white people, we are. That’s the way the system is built — to favor us. We don’t have to sport swastikas and confederate flags or yell racist slurs at people who don’t look like us to be racist.

Indifference, apathy, ignorance, and niceness are all passive ways of doing harm.



Gina Gallois
Fearless She Wrote

Award-winning children’s author, autism mama, feminist pirate, over-thinker, lover of audiobooks, crochet addict. She/her.