Can a Narcissist Genuinely Miss You?

Or do they just miss what they got from you?

Em Unravelling
Fearless She Wrote


When I managed finally to end my extramarital affair — to break the tedious, traumatic cycle that it had become — I thought that this would take the form of a normal breakup. I’d been very clear with my lover that the relationship was over. He had always claimed to love me deeply and I told him that if this was true, he would respect the fact that I now wanted him to leave me alone forever.

“OK,” he said. “I do believe you mean it this time, and I won’t be in touch. But please don’t block all forms of communication. That feels so knee-jerk and brutal. I won’t contact you, you can trust me on that, but we respect each other too much to have a childish delete-and-block policy. Don’t we?”

I thought there was a strange logic in this maturely worded plea. Adult humans, I told myself, didn’t need the safety net of digital padlocks to keep each other at bay. I knew I wouldn’t be contacting him again and he had promised me he wouldn’t bother me. So I agreed to the terms.

In doing so I was, as so often during that year, an absolute fool.

Not even a week had passed before his first text message popped up. “I am sorry to text you when I said I wouldn’t. But I have realised that we shouldn’t sit in our separate houses…



Em Unravelling
Fearless She Wrote

Lover of words, books, hiking, nature and big skies. Running is my favourite thing (after the words & the books). As feisty as I need to be.