Challenging Patriarchal Language

Reframing gender roles for representation and inclusion

Ali Hall
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Have you ever listened to a podcast and felt uncomfortable with the host's choice of words? This happened to me, and it weighed heavily on my mind until I did something about it.

Sometimes, even the most respected, informed, and enlightened of our heroes get it wrong. Don’t we all? And that's ok, every day brings new opportunities for learning.

Feel Better, Live More

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is a phenomenal individual. He is an experienced Doctor with two decades of work in his field. He thinks outside the box, he challenges the status quo. He takes what he calls a 360-degree approach to health, which encompasses his four main pillars of health; food, movement, sleep, and relaxation. His podcast “Feel Better, Live More” is insightful, open, informative, and life-affirming. He is someone I have developed a deep respect, trust, and admiration for.

In episode 171 titled “how to change your mindset and transform your life with Ryan Holiday”, Dr. Chatterjee catches me off guard with his terminology. For the purpose of context, this part of the conversation is around how we define success.

“It could be the businessman, who wants his business to triple profits one…



Ali Hall
Fearless She Wrote

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at