Dear New Girlfriend of My Abuser

I hope my narcissistic ex isn’t treating you how they did me—and if they do, know that I’m here for you.

Ena Dahl
Don’t Believe a Word She Says
5 min readOct 31, 2019


The chances are slim, and I think it’s more a matter of when, and not if. But I hope more than anything that I’m wrong!

I hope that you’re the woman that will help him end this cycle. I hope that you’re the one to make him a better person, to help him heal, to make him whole—save him even.

I hope this, not just for you, or for his daughter—but for him too. It’s a strange kind of predicament, to despise someone, yet wish them nothing but the best. Not only do they deserve better, despite the grief they’ve caused, but I know now, that a hurt narcissist is a walking pain-amplifier: Human cumulus clouds, they take their shade and looming thunder with, wherever they move.

It was with mixed feelings that I met you last summer, but trust me, jealousy wasn’t one of them. I felt a sting of sadness when I saw you, fresh-faced, rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed—You looked so innocent. When our gazes met, you were hiding slightly behind him, but quickly put on your brave-face that almost disguised your nervousness. You stepped forward to great me.

I can only imagine how you must have felt at that moment. Here I was in the flesh…



Ena Dahl
Don’t Believe a Word She Says

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.