Fearless She Wrote — Closure Announcement

Fearless She Wrote Editorial Team
Fearless She Wrote
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2022
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

It is with heavy hearts that we must announce the closure of the Fearless She Wrote publication.

We (Jessica, Maggie and Gillian) started this community in April 2019 as survivors of sexual assault who had been silenced for years, and were finally ready to tell our stories and speak our truths. We quickly met many other survivors of abuse along the way, and it is thanks to our dedicated readers and writers that this publication became the safe space it did, where people could come together and tell their stories bravely and be received with love.

The last two years of the pandemic have been difficult for everyone, and our editorial team was no exception. The economic realities were already a hard hit — especially for our team members who are self-employed — but the final nail in the coffin came in December when Medium informed us they were ending all publication partnerships starting in January, including ours.

Our team has worked tirelessly the last couple of months to try and make it possible to continue running this community and pub, but it has simply not been sustainable alongside our other life responsibilities.

The Fearless She Wrote publication will remain live, and you may continue to house your articles here if you wish, but we will no longer be reviewing new articles to publish.

We cannot express how grateful and thankful we are to have shared this powerful space with you all over the years.

It has been our honor to house your vulnerable and transparent articles that have resonated with so many. These three years have been beyond amazing, and we are so proud of you all. Your stories have helped us heal and left us better than we were before we arrived.

Our goal for Fearless She Wrote was to have a safe space where survivors could come together for support and healing. Thanks to all of you, we believe that goal was more than successfully fulfilled.

It is now time to close this chapter and start a new one. For those who are saddened by our closure, please remember that the real power and healing lies in your writing, not in this publication. You take your truths, and your stories, with you wherever you go. We are cheering you all on as you continue sharing your wonderful articles with others.

Please don’t ever stop speaking your minds and using your words to change the world!

With all of our love and sincerest gratitude,

Gillian, Maggie and Jessica

